One More Time

July 18, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Once again, Credit Suisse, is being investigated for tax evasion schemes.

Credit Suisse is the most high-profile Swiss bank to be targeted by U.S. investigators since rival UBS became embroiled in a tax evasion probe three years ago. Zurich-based UBS admitted to helping U.S. clients hide money on offshore accounts. It ended up paying a fine and giving U.S. authorities details on thousands of American account holders. The case prompted Switzerland to soften its strict banking secrecy rules in response to international pressure.

And, once again, no sweat.  They paid the piper; they call the tune.  There was also a $4,000 contribution to Randy Neugebauer in May of this year.  You remember Yachting Randy, don’t you?  He uses his campaign funds to buy a yacht he keeps in DeeCee.   I love seeing Republicans fight to keep tax evasion a constitutional right.  Somebody has to pay for Randy’s yacht.  He sure the hell ain’t.

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