One Last Plea

September 09, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please help our friends in Bastrop.  Many good Democrats lost everything except the shirts on their backs.

It is heartbreaking.

If you will send a dollar with a note that you care and you are thinking good thoughts for them, Barbara will send me your return address and you will get a handwritten note from Juanita Jean and an official Juanita Jean business card to impress your friends.   You cannot beat that with a two pronged beating stick on National Beating Day in Beating, Texas.


I need you to sit down right now and put a dollar in an envelope and send it to my beloved friend Barbara who is the Democratic Party Chairman in Bastrop County, Texas.  If you want to send a check and get a tax deduction, make it  out to Bastrop County Ministerial Alliance (BCMA).

Several of Barbara’s good Democrats lost their homes.  At least one, if not more, Democratic precinct chairs lost everything.   One dollar says you care.  Please put a note with your dollar saying that you are a Democrat and you appreciate what she’s doing.

One damn dollar, people.  Dammit, I don’t ask you for much.  I don’t even have one of those damn tip jars on my website.  It’s a dollar for a Democrat.  I know you have a dollar.  If you have more than one dollar, send it.

Mail it to:

Barbara Nichols
1485 Watterson
Red Rock, TX 78662

Remember: if you have a little extra this month and want to get a tax deduction for it, make your check out to BCMA.  Barbara will get it there for you.

It’s just a damn dollar.  Do it.


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