One Billion Dollars

February 22, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’ve got your reading all cut out for you, Honey.

Dominion Voting Systems sued Mike Lindell, the My Pillow dork. But, ya know, there’s lawyering and then there’s Perry Mason. Whoa, these guys are Perry Mason on steroids.

It will be well worth your time to read this filing and whisper ‘oh no, Jesus’ under your breath while you do.  This tells a story that’s hard to believe and there is just no way I can condense it down for you. You’re gonna love it because it’s Republican grifting at its finest. This is grifting with glitter on it.

Have fun reading it.  They are suing for one billion dollars.  By the time you get to the end, you’re going to think it’s not enough.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “One Billion Dollars”

  1. There are times when reading about a case that my thinking is “PLEASE put me on that jury!”

  2. This looks like one of those cases where the jury comes back with “ Can we award the plaintiff more money than they asked for?”

  3. I confess I did not read the entire thing–life is too short, after all–but I read the intro and quite a bit of the findings.

    This is the second suit that I know of and the first one was just as delicious to read. Their lawyers ain’t playin’ around. I just wish all lawsuits were written like this. They have both certainly got my attention.

    Have they sued the Orange Moron himself yet? I hope he is next up for this treatment.

  4. It’s doubtful that Dominion wants to own a pillow company that makes cheap lumpy pillows. But I hope they take Lindell to the cleaners.

    Lindell talked to Trump and probably did so numerous times. Perhaps Dominion will slap donnie with a suit, too.

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I, too could not finish reading, but read as much as my eyes would allow before going blind, including the last several pages. I read enough to confirm my feelings about mike lindell, that he has the same disease as much of the Trumpf cult, though a more acute form than most.
    I question that he’ll ever find an attorney to represent him in court. Maybe he’ll represent himself. If one could plead mental defect in a civil suit, he might try that. Bottom line, lindell is toast. Hope the same for faux, newsmax, oan, Powell, wood, giuliani and should include trumpf. Who did I leave out?

  6. A con man and liar, just like Trump.
    During the 1980s and 1990s, he was addicted to cocaine, crack cocaine, and alcohol, leading to the foreclosure of his house, and his wife filing for divorce.
    He cured himself with prayer and is an evangelical Christian, honorary degree from Liberty U.

    I hope he loses every penny.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    Former professional card counter! Now that will look good on his resume!

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Guess the cure from prayer and his evangelical religion includes lying and swindling for a living. Quite a religion. No wonder he has an honorary degree from LU, probably bestowed personally by jr falwell. A bastards degree in dishonesty.

  9. Grandma Ada says:
    Former professional card counter!

    Hopefully he never mentioned whether he counted cards at Trump’s Atlantic City Casino, and won. That might touch a nerve with Mr. Bankrupt.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    The courts are an obvious mess. But the MAGAT and QOP Senate who let the *** king moron off TWICE for legitimate impeachment charges and failed to notice that the charges against the ***king moron were a gift considering ALL of his impeachable offenses seriously suck, and are deserving of investigations as to how they are either blackmailed by the**king moron , Putin or Morton C. Blackwell.

  11. I made it through 40 pages, alternately shaking my head and laughing. Mike Lindell is doomed. I think insanity might be his only defense. I’d like to finish it, but my ADD kicked in, so I came back here.

  12. I find it so ironic that I campaigned against electronic voting for many years, and now I am thanking them.

    Nevertheless, there should be no electronic voting, and I don’t think you will find any computer science person that will say otherwise.

    Hand counted at the precinct level, webcams watching, and the results posted on the door and on the internet before the ballot boxes leave. I’m pretty sure that’s what any computer science person will tell you.

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    Mike, are you sure that Lenin and Trotsky did it this way?

  14. Wyatt_Earl says:


  15. Here’s another scenario for the Pillow Dork. He declares bankruptcy and shutters his plant, thereby throwing the employees to the curb wherein they will have to apply for unemployment. He, on the other hand, crab walks to some unknown destination, only to discover that the natives do not use pillows on their beds but use logs instead! And they ain’t buying his garbage!

  16. My mature eyes couldn’t handle a thorough reading but a scroll through to see all those footnotes tells me somebodies did a hellofalot of homework. Don’t ever mess with folks who have done their homework.

  17. Opinionated Hussy says:

    It’s the first time I’ve seen screenshots in a legal filing….what a hoot!

  18. john in denver says:

    Vic says: @12

    “Nevertheless, there should be no electronic voting, and I don’t think you will find any computer science person that will say otherwise.”

    Hand counted at the precinct level, webcams watching, and the results posted on the door and on the internet before the ballot boxes leave. I’m pretty sure that’s what any computer science person will tell you

    I’m pretty certain there are numerous ways to ensure election security … and it can be done with “electronic voting” for those who need it (including some with handicaps or overseas voters) and counting by centralized machines (which are more accurate than precinct-level hand counts). Colorado’s “gold standard” election processes allow both — but require paper ballots for mandatory risk-limiting audit.

  19. The Surly Professor says:

    Vic and John in Denver, you’re both right. The problem comes from electronic voting without a paper trail and software that is open source and audited by independent groups. ESS gave Ohio to Bush Junior in 2004, and there was no way to prevent it. Even with a precint with more votes for Bush than there were registered voters there was no way to overturn the results. Don’t forget, the president of that firm had publicly said he would do everything in his power to make sure Bush was re-elected.

    If the voter suppression laws that the Republicans are hurriedly trying to get enacted don’t suffice, you can be they’ll next go to voting machines controlled by them alone. I’ll bet that the My Pillow guy is even now trying to start up a voting machine company.

    And for over 20 years there have been ways to let people verify that (a) their electronic vote was counted, (b) the vote was counted towards the person they selected, and (c) without letting third parties detect who you voted for.(*) These are the methods my CS department uses to cast votes for tenure, promotion, and hiring decisions.

    (*) the one exception, of course, is if your precint has voted unanimously for some candidate. But in that case, paper ballots or not, everyone know how you voted!
