On Second Thought — Cruz and Biden

June 04, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Cruz

It doesn’t matter who you are or what your political beliefs, you have to ache for Vice President Biden and his family.

Wait, I was wrong.  It does indeed matter who you are.

Texas Republican Senator and excruciatingly mean man Ted Cruz, made a joke about Joe Biden on the night before his son’s funeral.  This alone is proof to me that Cruz is some kind of damn vampire or something.

But the fact that he had to wait for blowback to apologize is proof that he’s a damn loathsome vampire or something.

Detroit News reporter Chad Livengood tweeted —

Livengood said on Twitter that when he asked Cruz after the event why he joked about Biden, given the timing, Cruz simply “turned and walked away.”

There’s a tape of it.

Hours later, Cruz issued an apology after people noted that was pretty damn classless.

Yeah, we need a president who has to go around apologizing for being a damn slow loathsome vampire.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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