On Behalf Of The State Of Texas, I Would Like To Apologize

December 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Texas has another presidential contender.

Jeb Bush.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announced Tuesday that he will “actively explore” the possibility of a presidential run in 2016.

I know Jeb says he’s from Florida but he was born and educated right here in Texas and didn’t move to Florida until after his dad was elected Vice President.

So, if you’e keeping score at home, Texas has 4 presidential contenders in 2016.   Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul (who moved to Texas when he was five and was educated here). I wish to apologize for Texas hogging all the dumb.

You know, they say that Jeb Bush is the smart one.  But lets face it, the Bush family’s bar on that attribute is lower than a snake’s belly on digging day.



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0 Comments to “On Behalf Of The State Of Texas, I Would Like To Apologize”

  1. The name Bush here should be treated like the name John in British royalty-they haven’t had a King John for almost 800 years and with good reason.

  2. If you had to pick, Mo would be the smart one in the Three Stooges. If you were absolutely forced to pick.

  3. The name Bush has become synonymous with economic failure, war crimes and abject stupidity. That’s 3 strikes against Jeb right there.

  4. Rick Santorum is now a resident of Dallas. That makes him a Texan. Well, not really, but legally. Ben Carson has a home in Texas, too, at least that was rumored. So the clown car grows.

  5. “Rick Santorum is now a resident of Dallas.”
    This cannot be allowed to stand.

  6. Never too soon to start praying that a Texas son does not take up residence in the White House after next election. Cause you haven’t named a one that I would want there.

    Of course, Cruz believes he is going–the coloring book says so!

  7. Be careful not to get the santorum all over you!

  8. Juanita Jean says:

    Glen Maxey, well, aren’t you just Mr. Good News? I also heard that Chris Christie’s favorite football team is the Cowboys. Maybe we should secede and let them fight it out here on Alamo Plaza. I know the United States would benefit greatly from that.

  9. While I’m wiping the Santorum off, I’m wondering: what’s Gohmerting on the news lately? Seems awfully quiet. And if you live in Austin, District 8 PLEASE go vote for Ed Scruggs for city council. The paper says that there are three candidates for council who are for fiscal responsibility. I know that’s what they say but the reality for Dist. 8 is that Ed’s opponent is part of the rolling on the floor till blue and howling for SH45. Go vote, please?

  10. Gidget Commando says:

    All joking aside, does anybody remember the name Terri Schiavo? Does anybody remember the actions he took in keeping that poor woman on life support long after her brain had atrophied, because it scored him political points?

    Now he is seriously considering running for president? he ought to be shunned by good people everywhere.

  11. Molly Ivins said that the next time she told us not to elect the guy from Texas, we should listen to her. She’s gone, more’s the pity, but we should still listen.

    Last good president from Texas was LBJ, and he was a lot better domestically than he was in southeast Asia.

    I think Massachusetts or Vermont are better places to look for candidates….

    JJ, yeah, saw Christie sitting next to the Cowboys’ owner on TV Sunday night. That’ll win him a whole lot of nothin’ in South Philly.

  12. Well…. when you consider that all the Shrubs… have profited greatly…. from being “in politics”….. even the one who has been accused of war crimes….. why wouldn’t he run?

    Since crazy people throw money at you……It’s a hell of a lot more profitable…. than most jobs.

  13. Bush, Shrub, Nub. No more.

  14. W. C. Peterson says:

    Do the Saudis own John Ellis Bush like they owned his daddy and older brother? If so, I’m sure the Republican’ts can find a better candidate from the 330 million residents of this great country. Just about anybody would do.
    John Ellis’ mother had it right: We’ve had enough Bushes.

  15. Yes, W.C. Barbara was correct. Where do I get my “No More Bushes” paraphernalia?

  16. You only need to apologize if he wins. If what we actually get is the opportunity to watch a Bush gettin’ his butt whupped then we owe you thanks.

  17. @Juanita Jean
    I read that line from Dallas News as well. Jerry and the NJ Gov in the same high dollar box … well again I threw up a little in my mouth.

  18. Corinne Sabo says:

    Isn’t he George P.’s daddy?

  19. Corinne Sabo says:

    Isn’t he George P.’s daddy?

  20. m in el paso says:

    Dear JJ — Little did I know when we retired to El Paso (as close to NM as we could get but still avoid state income tax — besides, Molly Ivins was in our paper twice a week) that I would find such marvelous humor on the left coming out of east Texas (so close to Mississippi & Alabama — ick). I bless the day someone told me about your web site. Every day is Christmas when I read your pieces. Keep ’em coming! (And your apology for the Bushes out of Texas is most welcome!)

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Corinne Sabo, yes, John Ellis created George P. Has there been a decent Bush since or before Millie?

  22. daChipster says:

    Gidget Commando:

    If I ever achieve my dream of becoming an actual historian, one of the books I’m going to write is about the political fallout from the way Bushes treated two women: Terri Schiavo and Cindy Sheehan. The moral authority of the Administration was destroyed, and the inherent oxymoron of “compassionate conservatism” laid bare, through their stories.

    Everyone thinks Katrina did Dubya in. That was just the trifecta paying off. These two stories set the context.

  23. No more Bushes in the WH. Ever. I don’t even care if the candidate isn’t related to “those” Bushes.

  24. austinhatlady says:

    Marge Wood,
    Voted earlier today, but I live in District 1. Proud and delighted to say that I voted for Ora Houston. I know her from when we both were employees at the old Dept of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. She is good people!

  25. If Jeb is the “smart” Bush, why did the GOP give us the dumb one first?

  26. educated? IN TEXAS? 🙂

  27. Everyday Freethought, I assume we got the dumb Bush first because it was easier to stick a hand up his seat cushion and work his mouth. I still haven’t seen Cheney drink while Dubya was talking.

  28. Sorry to stray from topic, but as to Santorum and Dallas, here’s what Doofus has been up to:


  29. Gidget Commando says:


    I knew I liked you.
