On Behalf Of The State Of Texas, I Would Like To Apologize
Y’all, Texas has another presidential contender.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announced Tuesday that he will “actively explore” the possibility of a presidential run in 2016.
I know Jeb says he’s from Florida but he was born and educated right here in Texas and didn’t move to Florida until after his dad was elected Vice President.
So, if you’e keeping score at home, Texas has 4 presidential contenders in 2016. Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Jeb Bush, and Rand Paul (who moved to Texas when he was five and was educated here). I wish to apologize for Texas hogging all the dumb.
You know, they say that Jeb Bush is the smart one. But lets face it, the Bush family’s bar on that attribute is lower than a snake’s belly on digging day.