OMG Alert: Gaystapo Edition
The Gays are all the news. Click the little one to get the big one.
And if you want to read more about how The Gays are ruining America on purpose, you can read it here. And yes, J. Matt Barber actually uses the word “Gaystapo.”
But Gaystapo is just the beginning. Then he gets to really going —
Do you see what’s happening? Did you read that? That’s fear — deathly fear. Fear of a radical, hateful, intolerant, obnoxious, fascist, evil and power-crazed group of sex-obsessed anarchists who demand that we all affirmatively celebrate their deviant and self-destructive sexual sins.
He left off sons of motherless goats.
Matt teaches law at Liberty University, Jerry Falwell’s school, where they teach Christian love and tolerance. Okay, maybe not so much.