Old Joke.

November 12, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


There’s an old joke in Texas that the Texas A&M University Library had to close down.  Why?  They lost the book.

Now the joke has become whether our politicians with autobiographies even  bother to read the books they didn’t write about themselves.

No one was particularly shocked when it became obvious that Dubya didn’t write his book.  But, even Juanita was a tad taken back when the ghost writer that Bush hired really was a ghost – who read other people’s books.

“Baby Cakes, if I hire somebody to write for me, I at least want a discount for pre-used paragraphs,” Juanita grins.

We saw that Tom DeLay didn’t read his own book either when he swore up and down that certain paragraphs in his book got there through voodoo or gremlins.

“Hey,” Juanita laughs, “I have often said that I speak Texan, which is a lot like English.  People generally laugh, but now Tom is using it as a defense.  Can’t you just see the Supreme Court deciding if Texas really does have it’s own language, which ain’t English?  Up until this very moment I thought that Tom wanted English to be the official language of the United States.  Apparently, he can’t speak it.”

“And while we’re on the topic of high octane irony, ain’t it charming that Joe Miller, of Tea Party fame, is demanding good spelling?  Up until this very moment, I thought the Tea Party trademark was bad spelling!”

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