Oklahoma Still Sucking

April 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Real picture.  Real Sign.  Real confused facial expression.


And what are they upset about enough to secdee?

Furious parents and citizens of Oklahoma took to the streets early Thursday, protesting against Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos.  Protesters allege the show is blatantly promoting an anti-Creationist agenda and is ‘standing against the Judeo-Christian moors and values of the Saddleback Township community and others nationwide.”

So, they are going to secdee if Neil DeGrasse Tyson isn’t taken off teevee.  Wouldn’t it be cheaper and a lot less spelling required if you just didn’t turn on the teevee?

I dunno.  I still say that outrage is Republican foreplay.

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0 Comments to “Oklahoma Still Sucking”

  1. I thought they just spelled SECDEF slightly wrong…

  2. BraxtonBraggart says:

    “Standing against the Judeo-Christian moors and values of the Saddleback Township community.”

    I didn’t think those people liked Moors. Or is it only the Judeo-Christian ones they like?

  3. Dan Up North says:

    According to Dictionary.com, ‘moor’ has three definitions.

    1. a tract of open, peaty, wasteland, often overgrown with heath, common in high latitudes and altitudes where drainage is poor;
    2.to secure (a ship, boat, dirigible, etc.) in a particular place, as by cables and anchors or by lines.
    3. a Muslim of the mixed Berber and Arab people inhabiting NW Africa.

    I think these people are very confused.

  4. Oklahoma must spend about as much on “education” as Texas.

    Lordy….. wait until they hear about Stephen Colbert….. going all (don’t have to have cable) and doing “Letterman”.

    How many more ways can the letters do “jumble up”?

  5. Dan Up North says:

    Juanita, did we get sucked in by a fake news site? It appears that Topekas News is a satire site. It is to the point that we can no longer tell the real news from the satire!

  6. Rich mcdonald says:

    Dumb as a pallet board.

  7. Had to look this up; couldn’t help myself.

    “The Moors were the medieval Muslim inhabitants of Morocco, western Algeria, Western Sahara, Mauritania, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta.” (Wikipedia)

    Full Definition of MOOR (Merriam Webster)
    1 chiefly British : an expanse of open rolling infertile land
    2 a boggy area; especially : one that is peaty and dominated by grasses and sedges

    mo·res. noun plural \ˈmȯr-ˌāz also ēz\ : the customs, values, and behaviors that are accepted by a particular group, culture, etc.

    Lord Gawd Honey, these maroons can’t even get their terminology right about what they profess as their own moors.


  8. Miki Fiegel says:

    And what about them “moors”….the Moors? Arabs? Muslims? or did someone not spell check “mores” I despair!

  9. I am pretty sure that none of us judeo’s were there either. We are getting ready for Passover – we don’t have time for this mishegas.

  10. Angelo_Frank says:

    Since ignorance is considered a virtue in Saddleback Township, Oklahoma I do not want one thin dime of my federal taxes to go toward anything in that township. In the event of a natural disaster it was just their Lord that willed it as punishment. Federal relief won’t help.

  11. Wil Petrich says:

    Moe – rons, they are, ARF,arf!

  12. Why does the Gulf breeze blow across the Texas prairie ? Oklahoma sucks.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Let’s give OK the next best thing to secession. Close all the military bases there and move the Oklahoma City Thunder to another state.

  14. Gee, I thought Republican foreplay was both partners watching a video of Sarah Palin doing some “fancy pageant walking”.

  15. When an eel lunges out and it bites off your snout, that’s a moray….

    When a group has a view, an accepted value, that’s a more….

  16. Juanita Jean says:

    Dan Up North, it appears that I am a damfool. I fell for it because it is not the first time today that Oklahoma sucked. Louisiana needs to do something about that.

  17. I like the caption on Figure 3…Hark! those harold angles sing! hahaha!

  18. maryelle says:

    I have been waiting for the Bible thumpers to respond to that wonderful science series in just such a manner. Could not have imagined the misspelled sign, which of course says it all.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Rhea-I thought it was when the moon in the sky looks like a big pizza pie-that’s amore. Apologies to Dino if I screwed up the wording.

  20. Mary Margaret says:

    Yup, ya’ll have been suckered. There ain’t no such place in Oklahoma. I know it’s easy for you Texans to believe we Okies are that stupid. But 64%of us?!? That’s too high even for us. The Kansan that wrote this is just trying to stir up the border wars because we threw the Phelps church people out of Moore, Oklahoma last week.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    No worries,JJ. You know Oklahoma has done something dumb recently and needed to be ridiculed.

  22. donquijoterocket says:

    @rhea- that’s another one.I’d seen the version that read when you swim in the sea and an eel bites your knee…
    @ bo the Okies do it the other way the wind blows in Oklahoma because Texas sucks.

  23. Yah, fer sure! The site is satirical. But, y’all, the Okies walked themselves right into this one when some of them did protest the TV show. Lets just hope that bunch doesn’t see this as an instructional manual and really get out in the streets and make a mess!

  24. BraxtonBraggart says:

    Dan Up North writes, “I think these people are very confused.”

    No, just home-schooled.

  25. If you support Judeo-Christian moors, does that make you a mooron?

  26. That’s Congress Avenue, with Mexicarte to the right. Downtown Austin, Texas.

  27. This is so funny. I scared the dogs laughing so hard, every paragraph got funnier. Until soon I HAD to go look it up..but I have to admit.. They had me on the hook for awhile.

    And the reason it was believed…it is SO believable about the christian right. Nothing is too far out for some to champion it as a cause. Wanna make a bet? We haven’t seen the funniest part of this yet.

  28. Corinne Sabo says:

    My parents taught e how to change channels and turn off the TV at an early age. Learning on a remote was VERY easy. I’m glad I never lived in Oklahoma or I might have regressed in TV watching.

  29. Kay Carrasco says:

    I thought I recognized the photo from a year or two ago, taken during one of the periodic outbreaks of Tea Baggery idiocy, and in Austin, of all places. So sorry, I know how much fun it is to point and laugh at Okies, but Texas – this one is ALL your’n!

  30. Remember folks, this is the state that George W. Bush proudly served in the Texas Air National Guard protecting Texans from back in the 1960’s… it was Oklahoma to the north, and Mexico to the south.

  31. Teh Gerg says:

    I laffed when I red “moors” and was gonna mention “mores” and “morays”, but sumbuddy done beet me two it.

  32. Teh Gerg says:

    Then again, there are always Judeo-Christian mowers, too.

  33. Teh Gerg says:

    Like St. John Deere.

  34. UmptyDump says:

    The best irony of all?

    Cosmos is airing on the Fox Network!

  35. Mark Schlemmer says:

    This is the kind of post that can make a man laugh and cry at the same time. There is a book I am reading now that has the one word title: Agnotology. It is a very interesting discussion of how ignorance is produced, who benefits from ignorance, and all kinds of interesting off-shoots of that discussion. A lot of $5 words cause it was written by a Stanford professor but to the very intelligent crowd who reads this blog I cannot recommend it more highly. In particular, finding out about the work done for the highest level of rightwingers by a little known nonprofit named the Marshall Foundation. These are the types who get paid the big money to combine both ignorance and evil.
