Okay, What Ya Doing?

December 20, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Being as how this is the last day on earth, I’m eating Bend & Jerry’s ice cream with one hand and grabbing Dennis Quaid with the other.

You got any plans?

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0 Comments to “Okay, What Ya Doing?”

  1. um,it is getting awful windy outside. And dark.

  2. I’m trying to find some Doomsday believers that will sign over all their assets to me today-effective tomorrow.

  3. daChipster says:

    I’m pretending to be Dennis Quaid.

  4. Ohhhhhh daChipster for the win!

    Ok, I’m going to see the Hobbit tonight before its all over.

  5. Lucky Dennis.

    Wish I had though of this:


  6. Guess I better go ahead and clean out the fridge.

    I’ve already changed the batteries in my thermostat.

    And, I guess I’ll get the vacuum out. Get rid of some cat hair off the furniture.

    I think I’ll ignore the whole thing (although I may eat a chocolate chip cookie or two.) Just in case.

    Does this include “animals”? And, if not….. what are the Mayans thoughts on dogs and cats? Anybody know?

  7. I put one of my more apocalyptic short-short stories up on the web so people can get in the mood: http://bookviewcafe.com/blog/2012/12/20/the-world-ends-tomorrow/

    But in case the world doesn’t end, I’m headed out for an acupuncture treatment to ward off the worst of cedar fever.

  8. Wyatt_Earl says:

    I’m going to run under a ladder, to my mattress, with a pair of scissors and cut off that d*** tag.

  9. Don’t the Mayans know the world can’t end……. until we play all those kazillion football “bowl” games?

    What were they thinking?

    January 21, maybe….. but not until, and probably after.

  10. Juanita Jean says:

    Okay, you boys are full of it. Seriously. You are.

  11. Too funny~


    Glad to know other women of a “certain age” are in love with Dennis Quaid, guess he portrays “Texan” better than most. Certainly better than any politician from Texas or Tennessee.

  12. Gonna get in touch with the great beyond and have ’em tell all my dear departeds “look out! she’s a-coming”!

  13. Even if we get past this, I checked my calendars and they all end on 12-31.

  14. Honey, dump the ice cream for a stick of butter if you’re going to grab Dennis Quaid at all!

  15. Good, nobody has taken Jeff Bridges, so I get him!

    I’m going to finish a plaid, flannel robe for a very good friend as a Christmas gift. Matching plaid is a pain in the azz, but in case the end doesn’t happen, I better finish it!

  16. June,

    DRAT. Why did you have to go and bring up Jeff Bridges? Been in love with him since Last Picture Show, when we so young~

  17. J.J., ditto on the ice cream, but substitute Tom Selleck for Dennis Quaid.

  18. Can I join the lineup for Dennis? He’s going to be mighty busy between now and midnight! Then if I could add Johnny Depp to that, I’d be might busy until midnight too. Hmmmm…

  19. er…mighty busy.

  20. Faith Hill won’t return my calls…I’ll keep trying….

  21. Well, if nobody wants Brad Pitt, I’ll take him. The boy is aging well.

  22. Lorraine in Spring says:

    George Clooney and Tastykakes.

    Hubby is recovering from knee replacement surgery, so he’s SOL for any of his original doomsday plans.

  23. As a descendant of the Nahuatl all I can say is: Mayan Doomsday.

    Been there.

    Caused that.

  24. My sister’s quote about the world ending….

    It better not end now that I have finished my shopping and gone f grocery shopping..

    She takes her holiday prep seriously.

  25. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    It’s already the 21st in Australia and it’s still there. Maybe we have to wait for Yucatan time?

  26. BlueBell for breakfast.

  27. Don A: I’m guessing that the moment of the solstice is when the cataclysm occurs. That would be 6:11:32 AM, Pennsyltucky time.

    I guess that would REALLY be the shortest day of the year.

  28. JJ, I am sooooo surprised at you not chowing down on Blue Bell. Lose a Texas point or two for that. I plan on overnighting out at the local Wegman’s eating all the Turkey Hill Rocky Road I can get me hands on and singing, off key of course, all the chorus’ of “In Heaven There is no Beer”. La-la la-la

  29. I’m leaving my dinner dishes in the sink tonight. So there!

  30. Janice Stewart says:

    Well, I missed out on Paul Newman, possibly the most beautiful human being ever, and I missed out on Waylon Jennings, so guess I’ll have to settle for Richard Gere and George Strait. I might have a chance since no one here has claimed them. daChipster – you are one clever human bean.

  31. Viggo…and three pounds of Belgian chocolate. I’ll face the Apocalypse as happy as a clam.

  32. There simply is no better not-a-blog and commenters. Happy Doomsday eve, y’all!

  33. fenway fran says:

    Still waiting for y’all to come help me drink up my wine cellar. Tell Tom Selleck he can come, too. And Jeff Bridges. Then I’ll decide. But I have to say, I won’t fight over either of them if Jon Stewart shows up.

  34. I ate a box of Nerds (my eight year old cousin swears they will make you see stars if eaten by the fistful. ) So I ate the whole box. I am now in a bit of sugar shock and wondering if the Mayan calendar just ended because keeping calendars is boring.

    I need a salad.

  35. I’m gonna have a glass or two of Pinot Grigio and listen to Sam Elliot talk……

  36. JJ, you have a good plan. As for me I’ll get some later today (the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, not Ben and Jerry, they live down the road in my town) I already shared some french fries with the dog and we’ll both have steaks this evening (who better to share a steak with?). For lunch I had Buffalo wings, my thoughts have been preoccupied with what I will eat today so far so good.

  37. austinhatlady says:

    I’m still going to run through the tricky parts of the various pieces for Saturday’s performance just in case the world doesn’t come to an end. And just in case, if the world comes to an end, I don’t want to risk our director being on my case for eternity because I wasn’t prepared! That’s what I’m doing today because the first orchestra rehearsal is tonight.

  38. Aghast Independent says:

    Spending at least part of the day trying to decide which group is wackier – the folks that actually believe the Mayan Calendar end-of-the-world hokum or the Doomsday Prepers hoarding amo and assault weapons. All I have been able to figure is that the Doomsday Prepers are more easily parted from their money……

  39. buskyandme says:

    I’ve put in a call to Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer on White Collar). And yes, I know he is gay. But what the hell, if we are going to believe that the Mayan’s predicted the end of the world, why can’t I believe Matt Bomer will fall for me? What the hell, I am going to invite Mozzie over too, at least we can go out with some laughs!

  40. Mike , make sure they leave their car keys where you can find them and their ATM card with the pin number just in case!
    Also, if you’re looking for some investing tips, I would suggest Ben and Jerry’s and Bluebell , both of them should be having a banner month.

  41. Judi, I love me some Sam Elliott, too. Been a favorite of the females of my family for decades. I listen to truck commercials just to hear his voice when I wouldn’t even consider buying the brand.

    Ms AustinHatLady, you are being too industrious for me. I’ll have to settle for setting up the rehearsal hall for you. I’ve been a bad girl when it comes to looking at the music, but I must admit, I had a pretty good rehearsal on Tuesday (thanks again for driving!)

    The rest of my day has been spent goofing off, eating lots of international dishes at the work potluck, and teaching folks origami. The boss declared it a party day. We had movies in the computer lab, a white elephant gift exchange where the gifts were well fought for, and an ornament contest.

    And I’ll be rehearsing tonight, too, as well as tomorrow. We’ve a concert on Saturday, as she said. If you’re in Austin, check us out at chorusaustin.org.

    JJ, if I don’t check back in before Christmas, you and yours have a wonderful holiday!

  42. Tom Selleck?? He’s on NRA’s Board of Directors!!

    I have tibs on Richard Gere, eaten with tons of B&J’s “Chubby Hubby” in a huge salad bowl.

  43. Corinne Sabo says:

    Ben & Jerry’s is a great idea. How many Mayans are there today?

  44. We went and saw The Hobbit. Then we came home and ate popcorn (it’s a long movie. Eating and drinking during it is not wise for those over 65) Baked potatoes are in the oven and bacon and cheese will be liberally used in the final prep. Also ranch dressing, which beats plain sour cream all hollow in potatoes (well, I think so.) Haven’t decided whether to bake a pumpkin pie and hope it lasts until Christmas (who am I kidding???) or just enjoy a couple of Lamme’s Candy’s dark chocolate longhorns I bought in Austin yesterday. Because if the world ends tomorrow, I don’t need to worry about fitting into my jeans.

    But I actually expect to be up fixing breakfast, doing a load of laundry, hanging it out on the line, feeding various animals other than us, and working on the Christmas Eve music our choir’s doing. Oh, and at some point working on a chapter of the book.

  45. I’m going to stay indoors tomorrow, so that when gravity reverses I’ll at least be able to walk on the ceiling. But I know my fridge in going to be a mess & Lord knows where my keyboard & monitor will be.

  46. It’s National Sangria Day.

  47. Dang, you mean I’m third in line for Richard Gere? Maybe I’ll have to settle for Antonio Banderas to help me with these Godiva truffles.

  48. hmmm.. OK I get Neil deGrasse Tyson. He’s been busy all day, getting his friends’ assets signed over, so I will be sitting double pretty!
    (And he has some Friends!!!)

  49. What, no Robert Redford? Tsk, tsk!

  50. Deb, I also vote for Redford. He has weathered so beautifully.

    I’ve finally (minimally) decorated for Christmas but am waiting to know for sure if I really have to vacuum and mop.
