Okay, We’re Going To Talk About This.

July 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Arizona State Senator Republican Sylvia Allen, please take a seat before you kick something, is off on a tear again.

She is now very, very, concerned about “the browning of America,” and she doesn’t mean tanning beds.

She found herself at the state Republican Party Headquarters speaking to the “Mormon Political Pioneers.”  I would like to stop right here and thank Sweet Jesus that I have never been asked to speak to that group at that location. In the future, any time I start feeling sorry for myself, I will say yeah, Babe, but at least you ain’t having to speak to the Mormon Political Pioneers at the Republican headquarters in damn Arizona.

After using the term, ‘the browning of America,” she said … and there’s a tape …

“I said we needed to be able to control our immigration process so that we have time to assimilate people into our society and economic system. Jobs, housing, education, and health care,” she said. “Plus to be able to teach them about the American form of government. That’s all there was to it.”

“The median age of a white woman is 43. The median age of a Hispanic woman is 27,” she said. “We are not reproducing ourselves, the birthrates. But here’s what I see is the issue. It’s because of immigration.”

When the tape was released, she claimed she was just talking about the fact that some South American counties are “socialist” and we need to “retrain” the next generation on how America works.  She also said that we needed to make sure we had jobs for them before we let them into America. I guess it’s okay if you need some yard work or roofing done. You could go pick up one down at the border and borrow one for the day.

She also referred to a book called The Browning of America by Dr. James Johnson.  She didn’t read it, of course, because his book explains that immigrants give more to America than they take.  But, somehow, the title of his book gave her the right to abuse the term.

Now, if all this has a familiar ring to it, that’s because this isn’t Sylvia Allen’s first trip to the beauty salon.

Nope, she’s the same one who wanted to make church attendance on Sundays mandatory.  Yeah, this is the same woman clutching her pearls over socialism.

And she thinks the world is 6,000 years old. Period. No arguing allowed.

Now we come to why I’m telling you this story.  I spent some time this weekend with a longtime friend who has been pondering on this religious stuff and how it fits in with the new Christians.  She said that she believes the religious right sees America the same way they see heaven:  It’s not paradise if everybody gets to go.

I think she’s right.  They need their country club heaven and their exclusive America so they can have people to look down on.

Thanks to S Gray for the heads up.

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