Okay, Well That Takes Care of That

April 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rock stars, conventions, and all manner of fun stuff have cancelled events in North Carolina because of North Carolina’s LGBT Laws.

Hi Straw, meet Camel’s back.

There’s a new kink in North Carolina’s LGBT controversy: A popular porn website is banning all computers from “The Tar Heel State.”

XHamster.com has been refusing to serve anyone from North Carolina since 12:30 p.m. EDT, Monday.

Instead, users with a North Carolina IP address are just seeing a black screen on their computer — no porn.

Okay, now don’t everybody rush over to Hamster.com because there’s more to this story.

The owner of the site explains his reasoning —

“Back in March, we had 400,000 hits for the term ‘Transsexual’ from North Carolina alone,” he said. “People from that state searched ‘Gay’ 319,907 times,” he added.

So what this means is that there’s one guy in North Carolina who spends all his time searching for gay and/or transexual themes or that there’s a fair amount of interest among those church going folks who spend Sunday afternoon in the basement with their computers.

Long time viewers know that I went to North Carolina in 2012 to fight against their anti-gay law.  I didn’t do much good but I did piss off a whole busload of church ladies in the Best Western Hotel free breakfast bar so it was not a wasted trip.

Thanks to Mel and Fred for the heads up.

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