Okay, Well, Here We Are

July 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Welcome to that place where you discover what you never suspected would happen.

Rick Perry —

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Dick Cheney —

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Okay, so you’ve got Rick Perry running for President on the Dick Cheney Was Right! platform.

Did not see that coming.

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0 Comments to “Okay, Well, Here We Are”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    pRick just went into one of those $ stores with a penny in his pocket and came out with an unindicted war criminal bumper sticker. Really. Dick Cheney? Really?

    WTG pRicky, that’ll stir up your base, or not. But pick up undecided/independent and moderates in either party? Big nyet, doofus.

    Rand Paul thanks you. Meh? Not so much. Rand is running a close second in stupid to you.

    The ‘rising stars’ are crashing and burning more than two years out, so while you flamers flame out, Jeb, M$tt and Creepy Cristy will duke it out as to who gets to be smothered by Minnie Mouse, Garfield or any real person run by the Democratic Party.

  2. maryelle says:

    You’ve got to admit Perry is consistent,
    consistently on the wrong side of every argument, issue and history. Does he not remember the last 2 Republican conventions to which none of the Bush/ Cheney gang were invited due to being national pariahs?
    Keep it up, doofus, you’re sealing your own tomb.

  3. Almost make me like Rand Paul 🙂

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    LOL, will give you the “almost” Larry!

    Another delight I am finding, as the GOPees are all over 2016 with their feeding frenzy, their eye is ‘off the ball’ for 2014. That works for me. When they have no glimmer of a chance at the White House, let them waste 2014, too.

    Take the Senate in 2014? I think not, the GOPee could lose the House, if we sane folks can rally the vote. Register, recruit and provide rides to the polls for new voters, old voters, and previously disinterested voters. Crunch time, let’s roll!

  5. Miss Prissybritches says:

    What an idiot.

  6. Saw a headline: “Dick Cheyney Blames Obama for Upheaval in Iraq.”

    I think we have a new classic example of chutzpah here.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    All we gotta do is change the names and we have fantasy novels just waiting to be written down.

  8. Love the sarcasm. Love the jokes. Especially those at Governor Rick’s expense. And those at former Vice-President Cheney’s expense.

    Just dont lose site of this: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

  9. Rubymay says:

    Granted, Rick is an idiot. Dick Cheney, however, is also a war criminal, and I truly wish he and his daughter would just shut up. Lord, how I wish Cheney would take a hint from George W and just get lost.

  10. I am enjoying me some of that hot Republican on Republican action.

  11. daChipster says:

    These are the guys who believe that the business of America is business, and business is booming so long as bombs are, too. The fact that they get to blow up “moooslims” is just a perq.

    Although, I understand that Dick actually had a moment of doubt when he found out pRick agreed with him. But rather than admit to having a doubt, Cheney just took his doubt hunting, and shot it in the face.

  12. Who is writing the script for the Real Blanket-blanks of the GOP reality show? These guys are fighting like real ***ches! What a ***ss poor crop of dumb-asses this party has! I guess its going to be whoever is left standing with the fewest holes in him!
