Okay, Time to Review the Rules Again

June 29, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The rules are mostly here.

But how we know you ain’t from around here is that cussin’ ain’t hardly allowed in the discussin’.  My 85 year old Baptist mother comes here and while she will occasionally put up with damn or hell, if she can’t get to you, she will wash my mouth out with soap for having your cussing on my website. Odds are pretty good, though, that she will get to you.

Occasionally I can sneak in sumbitch because she hasn’t figured that one out yet.

Now I’m headed to Austin on Monday and will be doing the circus trick of writing stuff on a cellphone.  I can approve your comments there, too.  However, and I truly mean this, I will not have time or the inclination to clean up your language before I approve your comment. That’s fair warning.

I’m taking a power strip and a charger to the rally.  Wish me luck!

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