Okay, Then … Maybe Phony Is The Right Word

June 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump denies being briefed about about the Russian-Taliban bounty plot.  I guess maybe it didn’t get included on the half page of briefing he gets with no three-syllable words.

He has some interesting ideas about it.

Trump tweeted that “there have not been many attacks” on US troops by Taliban fighters as his evidence that the reported intelligence may be “phony.”

Okay, Buddy, you don’t need to be passing out the Phony Awards.

Trump was briefed on the intelligence findings and the White House’s National Security Council held a meeting about it in late March, according to the Times, citing officials briefed on the matter.

I’m almost dead solid certain that Trump doesn’t remember the meeting. I’d be willing to give him that. Truly, anything that happened before yesterday afternoon doesn’t exist.

And, there is the off-chance that the military/intelligence didn’t tell him because of his close relationship with Putin, which includes passing along state secrets.  Or maybe they didn’t tell him because he screws. everything. up.

We do need to find out.


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0 Comments to “Okay, Then … Maybe Phony Is The Right Word”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    Rump has no intelligence, so giving him an intelligence briefing is a total wasted of time.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Oh ya, he didn’t know. To me, this is as close to killing someone on 5th Avenue and getting away with it as anything he’s done. His cult, of course believes him, which includes many in Congress. But even though probably some repugnanticans don’t believe it, they don’t have the ….. to call him out. Understand El Graham is playing golf with him this morning. Of course he doesn’t have the golf balls to tell him.

  3. Trump spends all day Tweeting out phony conspiracy theories and other nonsensical BS, but he doesn’t have time to find out whether real flesh and blood American soldiers are being targeted with a bounty?

    Maybe he doesn’t understand the job description of The President of the United Sates?

  4. As soon as Mr Tre45on opens his mouth or Tweets …………

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    I swear, dementia reigns at the WH! Anyone who claims to have told him should have spoken to Congress – ditto for military in the know. This is outrageous and sickening.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    Rick @ #3: Even if he did understand the job description of President of the United States, he wouldn’t care. He never wanted the job. He wanted the prestige, the perks, and a chance to burnish his brand and make some money. He wanted nothing to do with the duties and the work involved.

    I think he knew that it was beyond his pathetic “abilities”, because he looked like a deer in the headlights when he found out he had won. And now he has messed up so badly–and brought such scrutiny of his past dealings–that he can’t afford to lose without going to prison. SDNY will see to that. The dumbest thing he has ever done in his life, in a long and storied career of dumb things, was to run for president and win.

  7. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Treason. Pure and simple. Treason.

    I am too angry to attempt to be either funny or brilliant or both. He and his administration and everyone in Congress and the courts who have supported his lying, grifting, treasonous term in office need to be tried, convicted, and dealt with.

  8. Sam in Superior says:

    The irony of Mike Pence speaking at a “Patriotic Event” at 1st Craptist in Dallas as a story breaks about covering up Russian-financed assassinations of US troops.

  9. There was a specific non-denial that shows they should have known. They’re loudly denying that Trump or Pence were “told”, but specifically NOT denying that it was written in a security briefing. In other words, they constructed a technically true statement that is a lie.

  10. Litlhorn says:

    It’s them damn “Deep state Intellegencers folks doing all this just to make him look bad, dontcha know?” or at least thats what the soon-to-be-exploded-brains-from-overamped-cognative-dissonance-brains on the interwebs are saying.

  11. Old Fart says:

    At this point, we should be doing everything possible to end this scatstain on US history. I will be signing up to send out postcards to remind people of their registration status, etc.

    Bury this forker *and* the horse he rode in on. Get Out The Vote in enough numbers, and we might get back the Senate *and* the House, watch Boss Tweet and cronies be flushed into legal limbo, and who knows how much turnaround at all the other levels where GOPs can be held to account for this dishonor. Use our common decency to change…

  12. Harry Eagar says:

    I have many questions about this story. They revolve around the question of why Russia would adopt this nonsense policy. That does not mean Russia did not; the CIA did and does things just as nonsensical.

    But I am reserving judgment until I see some better evidence.

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Benedict Donald insists it’s a hoax. Yet British intelligence was also informed. They did nothing for fear of “upsetting Trump.”


  14. Mary Smith says:

    AP is now reporting that the initial report to the White House was in March, 2019. Written, so Trump has plausible deniability that he was aware of course, since he doesn’t read. That was the first whiff that intelligence sources had of the Russian bounty. The later, verified reports in March, 2020 were on more solid ground, unlike Trump’s denials.
