Okay, That Doesn’t Even Make Sense.

September 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dan Patrick, Texas Lt. Governor, has just given up on making sense in normal earth terms.  He’s making sense in terms of who even gives a damn anymore.

In an interview in Austin last week, Patrick explained something in non-scientific, non-reasonable, and non-correct terms and, bless his heart, he succeeds beautifully.

The five Dallas police officers killed in July would still be alive if the Black Lives Matter movement didn’t exist, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said Saturday, and he does not regret criticizing protestors for organizing the march against violence that ended in tragedy.

Yes, and if the World Trade Center didn’t exist, there would never have been a terrorist attack on America.  And Blue Bell Ice Cream would not be poisoning people again if we just didn’t talk about the poison in their ice cream.

Patrick was widely criticized after the deaths when he called protesters “hypocrites” for rallying against the same law enforcement officers that were providing security in downtown Dallas.

Patrick admits that was not a smart thing to say, but only after someone told him, “Son, that just butt ignorant.”

“No excuses because I don’t take back anything I said, by the way,” he told Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey during an onstage interview at the Texas Tribune Festival. “I used the wrong word. Condemn me if you want.”

That kind puts your brain in a knot, doesn’t it?  “I don’t take it back.  I used the wrong word, but get on your damn high horse and condemn me.”  Uh, people usually want to take back wrong words.  And, uh, what exactly would be the right word he was looking for?  Does Dan need a thesaurus to look up hypocrite?  Is that what he means?

He needs an interpreter.


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