Okay, So Who Didn’t Know This Stuff

October 04, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so who, besides even damn Republican voter in the state, did not know that Herschel Walker had more bones in his closet than any mid-size dinosaur museum in the fly over states?

Now the poop is hitting the popper daily, with this one about paying a woman’s abortion bill.

Walker has strongly denied the allegation, blaming Democrats and the Fake News media. But the Daily Beast reports having seen the woman’s receipt for the abortion as well as a personal check from Walker reimbursing her for it, and said it confirmed the story with one of her confidantes at the time.

Now, I gotta tell that I have no problem with him paying an abortion bill. None at all. Case closed. Until … he goes out preaching that only his lady friend can have an abortion.

In July of last year, Walker’s wife asked for a protective order. Walker denied he’d ever hit his wife. But the judge found good cause to believe the wife and granted it. Knowing that but seeing how Walker drew crowds and raised money, Mitch McConnell endorsed him.

Stop for a minute and ponder this.  Imagine if this had been a white Republican or any color Democrat. Ya think McConnell would have had any problem stomping on him?

So, Today Walker’s son decides the time is right.

Lay it at Mitch Connell’s door.


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