Okay, So Where Are The Crazy Open Carry Idiots When You Really Need Them?

August 11, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You all know James O’Keefe?  The totally insane rightwing idiot who keeps getting arrested for his illegal investigatory techniques?

This time his big story is that you can wear a cheap Osama bin Laden mask on the border between Texas and Mexico and not get shot.  Which appears to be unfortunate.

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Oh yes, this is a picture he had someone take of him.

Filming at a narrow strip of the Rio Grande River in Hudspeth County, Texas, O’Keefe bemoans the lack of border security with county sheriff Arvin West. “I don’t see a single federal officer anywhere,” O’Keefe says.

He then crosses — illegally? — into Mexico and wades back across the Rio Grande into American territory. “Let me tell you something, if the president or Sen. (Harry) Reid or anybody tries to tell you our border is secure, they are lying to you,” he laments.

Now you know some federal officers were hooting laughing watching the live drone pictures of some skinny white dude crossing back and forth on the river and then putting on Halloween clothes.

The ghost of Osama bin Laden just ain’t as scary as you’d suspect, James.  And neither are you.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Okay, So Where Are The Crazy Open Carry Idiots When You Really Need Them?”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    Some folks just have too much time on their hands which can only lead to filling their days with doing really stupid stuff like this!!

  2. W. C. Peterson says:

    Too bad Perry is in Iowa and Hannity is back in New Yawk. They could have had a ball shooting that big old phallic machine gun at an actual target. But not Louie Gohmert. He probably wouldn’t be able to hit the water even if he aimed at it.

  3. If sheriff West was actually doing his job he would have arrested o’keefe or shot him… in either case for illegal border crossing.

  4. There are rational people (well, a few, anyway). Then there are rationalizers. Then there are idiots and damfools. Then there’s James O’Keefe.

  5. This photo tells you everything that you need to know about insane rightwing idiot James O’Keefe.

  6. Where are the gunhumpers when you need them?

  7. That is the lamest bin Laden mask I’ve ever seen.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    While Osama bin Laden sleeps with the fishes, this bin Bozo is trolling the Rio Grande in search of his latest media lie.

    montag, the gunhumpers are probably ammosexualing in the shade, not too far from a redneck bar. Texas heat, cold beer and guns, what could go wrong? Yeah buddy, the humps missed their first live terrorist, O’Keefe aka Scary the St00pid.

  9. If you go hunting or fishing you go where the game or fish you plan to hunt hang out. For instance the coastal marshes of Texas have a few ducks, maybe some feral hogs, maybe an alligator or two. If you want to hunt any of that you are OK. If you are hunting waste, fraud, and or abuse in government or of government funds, Acorn and NPR are not nearly the target rich environments that say, Koch Brothers or Dick Cheney’s companies would be. Just saying….

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Wait just a minute,didn’t not gay Paree claim he was gonna shut down the border because the feds wouldn’t? Where was Paree when this stone waste of white illegally crossed the border? Fake Noise should have bribed Mexicans into shooting O’keefe so we have an excuse to start another war.

  11. Jerk O’Tool is too tall and too white to attract any attention. Now if he had sent a 10 yr old to crisscross the Rio Grande, not only would Perry show up guns ablazing but so would Sid Miller’s posse & Operation Secure Our Border.

  12. TexasEllen says:

    Is O’Keefe violating his parole by leaving the country? Are we supposed to believe that Osama Bin Laden is leading the Zombie Apocalypse?

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    He is lucky that the Mexicans didn’t shoot him. If they had only known. . .

  14. RepubAnon says:

    Dateline: Mexico City. The Mexican Government today called upon the US Government to stop the attempted illegal dumping of US-generated toxic waste in Mexico. The Mexican government spokesman was blunt: “We demand that the US keep James O’Keefe within its borders!”

    The US government is currently in talks with Canada, asking that Canada take James O’Keefe as settlement for the damages suffered by the US due to Justin Bierber and Ted Cruz.

  15. If O’Keefe really wants to get shot I suggest he wear his costume in East Texas at an open carry demonstration.

  16. Where’s Perry and Hannity in their uboat when you needed them?

  17. Soooooo,

    Why isn’t this person advocating that congress MASSIVELY increase funding for border patrol personnel? Because, hey, the President should be omnipotent (but not do anything the rad right doesn’t want him to). Oh wait, *why* are they suing him? Maybe it’s all his fault the borders are so long and difficult to control…

  18. Marge Wood says:

    Isn’t he a mite behind the times?

  19. I suppose O’Keefe never gave a thought to how much his little stunt would have cost in man hours and misdirected resources if they had responded to him. Maybe they could just send him the bill (as well as arresting him for illegal entry and violating the terms of his parole).

  20. Maybe it’s just me I don’t really know anymore. How, why can anyone buy any of the totally stupid ….”crap” that gets spewed daily by the media. This fool o’idiot is a convicted felon for …..”sigh”,,, whatever I guess.

  21. Can you just imagine the fun you could have had with a red laser pointer?

  22. I certainly think he should have been arrested for *blatantly* breaking the law and wasting a law officer’s time.

  23. I am surprised the Mexican Federales did not shoot the sob… They must have been laughing so hard peeing their pants too… Dr. Oto
