Okay, So This IS Funny

November 15, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita has decided that something is truly weird is happening in East Texas.

“Here’s another story,” she begins.  “The Tea Party in Tawakoni, Texas – yes, there is such a place – is all grittin’ and spittin’ claiming that the police chief and a deputy got fired for being members of the Tea Party.”

“They are demanding their rights and hollering for Sarah Palin,” she laughs.  “They are appealing their termination and have gone into a fund raising frenzy.”

The termination notices obtained indicate the duo’s involvement in the Tea Party was considered “prohibited political activity” under the city’s employee personnel policies manual.   The mayor said the men spoke and advocated against the city council and supported a petition against the mayor as part of their participating in the party.

But wait, there’s more.  It appears that the Tea Party  is probably the sanest party they attend —-

The termination memos mention other alleged infractions by both law enforcement officers including accusations that Schultz drove city equipment to obtain medical treatment, screamed at another city employee in the City Hall parking lot within earshot of the public, lied to federal agents during an investigation, drank booze at a public park and restaurant, drove while intoxicated, slouched at city council meetings, and didn’t discipline Beckett for holding naked pool parties at Beckett’s house.

Besides holding naked pool parties and joining the Tea Party, Beckett’s termination memo also said he drank alcohol in a public park and restaurant, asked a subordinate to follow him and his wife home after they drank too much, didn’t pay his water bill in time, and didn’t properly maintain investigative files and evidence.

“Nakkid pool parties?  Yep, that there is the Tea Party for ya,” Juanita shakes her head.  “Honey, if they weren’t drunk and nakkid, they’d be Republicans what with all that hollering and lying and slouching.  But, drunk and nakkid is a fundamental God given right for the Tea Party, dammit.”

Here’s their Facebook page just in case you want to hunt for pictures of their parties.

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