Okay, So It’s 110 Degrees Today

July 11, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas is hitting 110 degrees today but we weren’t too worried because last year our Governor told us he had fixed the crappy power grid that failed over the winter.

See, he was confident.

Last night we were warned that the grid could go down over the next three days.  They specifically warned us about the hours of 2:00 to 8:00 pm.  Hourly, I get texts from the grid itself almost hourly telling me I better conserve because … they might go down.

Okay, all that is bad enough.  But, this took the cake.  Just a couple of minutes ago, around about 2:00, I get this important message from Greg Abbott.




I need to send him more money so he can spend my money to build a damn wall around the border, which nobody but him and the Proud Boys even want.

You know it seems to me that if you think you state is so damn fancy that you should secede and be your own country, you ought to have a dependable power grid.


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0 Comments to “Okay, So It’s 110 Degrees Today”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    Maybe he doesn’t understand we’re already paying the “donation” thrust upon us in our electric bill each month. And after he floats those bonds it’s going to be worse. Part of being in a low tax state should mean we spend wisely on true needs – I don’t know anyone who would put the wall first on heir list of Texas’ needs!

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Betting the 12 bucks goes into his campaign coffers for his use as he pleases, not build anything. Governor Greg the grifter.

  3. Where is it always hot?

    Is it now 110 degrees on the ground in Texas, and possibly 15 feet above the ground?

    Then build a border wall to keep out all of that hot Mexican air, and the Texas power grid should be fine in linear conservative Republican thinking. Two for the price of one wall.

  4. G Foresight says:

    The basic truth is Rs don’t know how to govern and, moreover, don’t want to learn how. Their goal is simply achieving and maintaining political power. Governance fundamentals like assuring a flow of electricity to all citizens is not the type of power they are interested in.

    Also, don’t the TX GQP Rs insist that the TX electrical grid is a stand-alone / independent system? If that is so, that makes the system unreliable by design. For example, if other states run low on electricity supply, they have cooperative agreements with their neighboring states to have those states send in some electricity to temporarily meet the electricity demand. Unlike TX

  5. Katherine says:

    I live in north Alabama where we get our power from TVA. (The feds). Our power comes from a mix of hydro, nuclear, solar, coal and natural gas. Coal is being phased out, but we still have to deal with the coal ash pits that are an environmental nightmare waiting to happen. And the EPA has not designated coal ash as toxic waste. The rest of Alabama has Alabama Power which sounds like the Death Star from what I read in the news.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    I’m about to the point that, the next time Texas wants to secede, we ought to take all our stuff back–military bases, space exploration control, subsidies for this, that, and the other thing, and let them go. No more chances to hook up the the national power grid, no highway funding, nothing. Build all the walls you want. Good luck, Texas!

  7. One day down with the electricity on and who knows how many more to go. It hit 111 in Bryan/College Station, according to one weather site. I’m wondering if we will hit a new record of at least 100 degree days in a row this summer. In any case, I bet there will be electricity without rolling blackouts wherever the governor is. I hope hot summer means a cold winter is wrong.

  8. thatotherjean@#6
    If TX seceded they would instantly become a Third World country. I’ve been saying that for years.

  9. slipstream says:

    In Anchorage, Alaska today: 71 degrees, mostly sunny, length of day 18 hours 44 minutes, and a nice refreshing rain shower in the evening.

    Okay, check back with me in January when it’s miserable.

  10. Keep yourself cool, Ms JJ!

  11. Everyone has been told to turn non-essentials off so Mr Abbott can have HIS air-conditioning going full throttle .

  12. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Oh. Dear. Lord. Ms JJ….take care of yourself, and check back in to let us know how you’re doing.

  13. Malarkey says:

    I remember when I moved to Dallas just out of college. There were billboards (?) fliers (?) anyway… There was something that said, “Texas is air conditioned for your comfort!” Guess they can’t reuse that little campaign just now, can they?

  14. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Grandma Ada is correct. The donation is to show that you support the wall, not to fund it. Nowhere that I can see does it say that the money will be used to fund the wall, and it will go into the grifter’s pocket. But I expect he will get a lot of money in that pocket, from the patsys. Republican wealth redistribution.

  15. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Okay, I worded that poorly. The money sent to him from the email will help him get elected. If he gets elected he will spend MY money building a damn wall. Next time, I’ll include a box of crayons.
