Okay, So I Need Help Here.

March 03, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, is this satire trying to make the Tea Party look dumb or is Victoria Jackson guilty of smoking some dope with a low IQ.  Or is this just a career move?

I mean, you gotta admit, it’s hard to tell.


There’s a communist living in the White House?  Hell, Honey, there ain’t even a communist living in the Kremlin.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Okay, So I Need Help Here.”

  1. What the hell was that? Drunk?

  2. Kate Dungan says:


  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Sadly, she’s not parodying Keesha Rogers. That is the real Vickie Jackson.

  4. BarbinDC says:

    I vote criminally ignorant. And, maybe high.

  5. That is one deplorably and willfully ignorant woman right there.. a failed citizen and disgrace to our nation in every way possible.

  6. If Victoria Jackson has ever smoked anything, she did it with a low IQ.

  7. Teh Gerg says:

    She’s had her 15 minutes and didn’t deserve even them.

  8. maryelle says:

    THAT is the true face of the baggers.
    She certainly wouldn’t let a fact distract her from her ignorance. Maybe she thought that playing a guitar might lend some folk/protest
    authenticity. Didn’t work. ‘Twas painful.

  9. Honestly, I’ve never been able to tell with her. I saw some interviews she did during Occupy Wallstreet and it seemed as though she had chosen the most well-spoken, impressive Occupiers to argue with, and that made me think she was doing a satire thing.

    But…she’s not quite obvious enough for satire and she’s not quite sane enough to help the Tea Party cause, so either way I guess she’s not very good at whatever she’s trying to do.

  10. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    That is the REAL Victoria Jackson.

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

    Just saying…..

  11. Whatever she was on…….

    High…… would be an understatement.

  12. Kay Carrasco says:

    *censored* *censored* *sorry, Momma* *censored*…. in God’s name was THAT?!?

  13. John Peter Henson says:

    Thanks for reminding me how much I thought she was not funny……..I could not finish the video….

  14. That is exactly the kind of footage you can use for a competency hearing — and win. My goodness, she is one really, really sad case.

  15. gabberflasted says:

    Does she have vent open in the fireplace? Well, at least she didn’t write on her hand.

    I feel for those elevator didn’t make I to the top.

  16. Dang.

    Does not put a dent in my conviction that lefties have all the good protest music. And we can spell and use proper punctuation on our protest signs too.

    Is she trying to embody the RWNJ idea that education is bad?

  17. UmptyDump says:

    Keep my hands off you, Victoria? With pleasure. I’d sooner dip my hands in a bucket of lard and squish.

  18. Zyxomma says:

    Keep your hands off me? Now and forever, gladly!

  19. Nina Jo says:

    She has always been really, really messed up.

  20. I am fascinated by the way right-wingers try to “win” arguments by simply changing what words mean.

    And, message for Victoria Jackson, I think I can speak for President Obama and myself in saying that the last thing we want to do is put our hands on her.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    See, y’all shoulda just left the sound off. Without the sound she’s just cute and silly. Who’d believe her anyway? Oh, I forgot. Well, yeah. Sigh.

  22. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I think she’s just precious! Ouch. It even hurts to write that.

  23. Marion, you got that Southern Gal persona down just rahight.

  24. TexasEllen says:

    Bless her heart. For so many reasons, bless her heart.

  25. Michael O'Hara says:

    I saw this fiasco when it was first posted this morning. I had that stupid song stuck in my head until I was forced to put on my ipod and listen to inagaddadavida over and over while sage smudging my house. The cats still aren’t right!

  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Michael O’Hara, when the cacophony of theocracy threaten our sanity, leave it to Jim Carrey to bring us gome.


  27. Another marginally talented has-been embraces the Tea Party. She and Nugent should put out an album together.

  28. Keep your hands off me
    Keep your hands off me
    That is until you take away
    my food rations for the day

    Keep your hands off me
    Keep your hands off me
    that is until you deny
    my voting libertaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy

    Keep your hands off me
    Keep your hands off me
    That is until you want to stick
    a wand inside of me

  29. Elizabeth says:

    SO glad I looked at the comments before I clicked on the link. Bella Abzug wore peculiar hats, but SHE had intelligent eyes. Not poor little Vicky

    And my chosen earworm for the day is Pavarotti & Sutherland in L’Elisir d’Amore. (Netrebko was as good as Sutherland, when I heard her in it, but Pavarotti remains…beyond comparison.)
