Okay, So Here’s a Question for Ya, Big Joe.
Well, I got my Rick Perry endorsement email from Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
It’s real cute.
After talking about what a tough dude he is, which is a tad silly for a 79 year old man with Viagra on auto-refill down at the Walgreens, Sheriff Joe chats a minute about Rick Perry.
No candidate has done more to secure the border than Rick Perry. As governor, he directed nearly $400 million in state tax dollars to secure the border with more boots on the ground.
So, here’s my question. If Rick Perry is so good at this border stuff, why the hell ain’t Texas’ border secure? I mean it ain’t like he has to fight with a Democratic congress here or follow any particular laws or anything.
As president, Rick Perry will stop illegal immigration and drug smugglers with a massive increase in manpower, including National Guard troops and thousands of new Border Patrol agents.
And he’s gonna pay for all this federal help by ….? I dunno, gun raffles? Burrito sales? Cause he hates the federal guvmint being in the states and he ain’t about to make people pay taxes. Tell me, Joe, does Rick have some bright ideas he’s keeping in his back pocket but won’t tell us unless we elect him President? Is that the deal, here?
Hey, you’re both pips, dude. We could whip both your hineys at a beauty salon. And we wouldn’t even brag about it.