Okay, Scrap the Family Values Plank in the Platform! Let’s Call It “Right to Restraining Order “

June 07, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s Minnesoooota, the state that brought you Michelle Bachman and Tim Pawlenty. They apparently have not bottomed out on nuts.

Republican State Representative Mary Franson filed a restraining order against her former boyfriend, McLeod County GOP chairman Eric Harpel.

He’s stalking her and sending her threatening emails. Well, duh. Mary, you knew they do that crap when you joined up with the GOP. I get at least 12 or 11 emails a day from Republicans threatening Armageddon or, even worse, socialism, if I vote for President Obama.

In one instance, Franson reported: “”I asked him when I could get my belongings and he said he wanted my panties in exchange. I told him he was a pervert and to get out — he left.”
A week before, Franson claimed, Harpel surprised her at her St. Paul apartment, where she lives during the legislative session. He asked to meet her at a neighboring restaurant, Senor Wong’s, but she refused.

I am shocked, shocked I tell you! They have a restaurant in Minnesoooota named Señor Wong’s?

My favorite quote?

In the court filing, Franson frames Harpel as jealous and insecure….

Mary, Sweetie, look around you. Name me one Republican who isn’t jealous and insecure.

Thanks to Claudia for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Okay, Scrap the Family Values Plank in the Platform! Let’s Call It “Right to Restraining Order “”

  1. Sam in Kyle (June 14) says:

    Senor Wongs, because there’s nothing so inviting as Sweet and Sour Rellenos.

  2. Senor Wongs.
    That is just wrong . . . .

  3. Senor Wongs? Three cheers for multiculturalism. Perhaps. Anyone been there who can serve as Juanita Jean’s traveling food critic?

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    The Chairman demands her panties, and we are concerned about the name of restaurant?

    Mary compared the foodstamp program with feeding wild animals; we should not do it because it makes them dependent and not learn to take care of themselves.

    Mary also described the environmental movement as a stalking horse for pagan religion that must be stamped out at all cost.

    Was the name Minnesoootta derived from a native-American expression meaning, “Don’t drink from any of those ten-thousand lakes, it will make you loony?

  5. I thought he tried to get her to meet him at Mr. Johnson’s, but the place was shut down by the health department.

    I could be wrong, of course.

  6. Uncle Dave,

    Sadly, the naming of Senor Wongs and how ridiculous it sounds saves us from actually having to relate to Mary as an actual sentient human being–you know, like she doesn’t think poor starving children are. . . .

    The humor does save us from the insanity. But with that said . . . As a rule, I am wholly opposed to stalkers and men who put ransoms on women’s dainties. But I have to ask myself– how crazy do you have to be to stalk this heinous woman? Mr. Harpel should definitely be taken off the streets.

  7. Juanita Jean says:

    Uncle Dave, I was trying to make a joke. You know, like “Arizona scientists say world to end tomorrow.”. Holy crap, are you telling me there’s scientist in Arizona?

  8. Uncle Dave says:


    Thank heavens for the humor. First thing every AM is a visit to this site to see what Republican created hilarity occured over night. And don’t you marvel that those folks don’t see it? Case in point is the resident of one of the Crackervilles surrounding Dallas and Fort Worth who complained it was an unamerican interference with his rights for the city to place restrictions on his watering his lawn with water, provided by the city.

  9. Laura Nelson says:

    He said…“You were manageable until you started getting letters and emails that started with the word ‘honorable,’ ” Harpel wrote in an e-mail to Franson.

    I believe they deserve each other. And yes, I am from MN. We used to be very progressive, not sure exactly what happened. 🙁

  10. A long departed favorite restaurant in Austin was Señor O’Brien’s, which served Mexican and Irish food. They had some amazing dishes. One of my personal favorites was called a “pommelette,” which had a shell made from hash browns (and entirely too much butter) instead of eggs. YUM! It was also one of the best places to be the year Mexico faced Ireland in the World Cup. My husband and I just happened to drop by that day. Much merriment ensued.

    As for the personal stuff between these two idiots, stalking is just wrong. Please, no matter how stupid the victim was, never blame the victim. Blackmail by ransom of undergarments in wrong. And is/was Rep. Franson running for reelection? In that case, dating her party chairman might be considered wrong by some as well.

  11. Uncle Dave,

    “who complained it was an unamerican interference with his rights for the city to place restrictions on his watering his lawn with water, provided by the city.”

    Please tell me that isn’t true.

  12. 1toughlady says:

    You just can’t make this stuff up, can you? Really, he is clearly a twit and should be in jail–and she should be out of the state House for being stupid enough to date her county chairman.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, don’t we have the makings for a new teevee show in here somewhere? I can see it all now. Any blossoming screen writers here?

  14. Stalking and harassement are very serious. Making a joke of this is demeaning to what she is going through. She maybe all kinds of crazy and have her own issues but we do no good by demeaning what can be a very dangerous situation.

  15. Señor Wong in Minnesota is probably a Cuban who only speaks English.

    BTW, there have been Chinese-Mexicans since the 1580s (though most immigration to Mexico was after the U.S. Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882… your loss, Mexico’s gain). There’s is a English-language website on Chinese-Mexicans: http://www.chinese-mexico.blogspot.mx/

  16. aggieland liz says:

    I am happy to report that no one, at any time, has ever described me as “manageable.” Whew!

  17. Martiki says:

    aggieland liz:

    You and me both!! If a anyone ever called me ‘manageable’ I’d know I had failed as a sentient human being.

  18. Uncle Dave says:

    Didn’t catch his name, he lived in Arlington, according to the paper, and I believe everything I read in the paper.

  19. Robert Leduc says:

    Senor Wong’s is, in fact, a popular Asian-Mexican fusion joint downtown. I’ve never been, so can’t comment.

    This is the second local Repuglycan story this year. The Senate Majority Leader, Amy Koch, resigned after an affair with a “Senate staffer” – Michael Brodkorb, who, incidentally, was the state Republycan party deputy chair.

    Things were so bad that the state GOP was $500K in the red and they had a hard time finding candidates for the job of party chair. It went to some Mad Hatter Tea Party nutjob in the end, I believe.


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