Okay, Oregon, Quit Snickering

July 18, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Fenway Fran mailed a newspaper clipping to the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., to let us know that Texas congressvarmints are being laughed at all the damn way to Oregon.

It seems that Louie Gohmert, the smartest man in East Texas, is shoveling dumb as fast as he can.  In the past week, Louie has explained high finance at the federal governmental level by saying that we can simply make money appear and even borrow from the social security trust fund, a “fund” with no money in it, but it does have a real pretty I Owe You note left in the box.

And then there’s this —

Besides, says Gohmert, if the feds need money, they can always sell something: “You have land. You have leases. There are all kinds of assets.”

Well, I suspect drilling rights on Gohmert’s brain wouldn’t be enough to buy a teabag.  Maybe we could sell the Grand Canyon to Karl Rove and he could fill it with bullcorn because Lord knows he needs some place to put that stuff.

Gohmert, as you recall, is also a birther, believes in terror babies and thinks Jesus fed the dinosaurs.  This pretty much sums it up —

President Obama isn’t dealing with the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan, who raised taxes four times and led a bipartisan emergency deal following the 1987 economic crisis. He’s not dealing with the party of George H.W. Bush, who made a deal to keep budget deficits from soaring over the horizon.

He’s not even dealing with the GOP of George W. Bush, who raised the federal debt limit eight times, including twice in one year.

Obama’s dealing with the Republican Party of Louie Gohmert, where something doesn’t have to be true if you don’t want it to be true.

This makes it hard for negotiators to be on the same page.

So, I have a personal message to Louie:  Hey Dingledumb, shuddup. We already have a whole team of people working day and night to make Texas look bad.

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