Okay, Okay, Stop The Presses

March 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Five minutes ago, I posted that another Republican got caught selling stock after the super secret national security meeting.

Now there’s four. 4 Four Republican senators trying to,profit off a national disaster.

Burr, Loeffler, Inhofe, and, dammit Dianne Feinstein.

Meet y’all back here tomorrow.

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0 Comments to “Okay, Okay, Stop The Presses”

  1. Remember when the thuglicans drummed Rostenkoswi into jail for a petty cash ( literaly) fiddle with stamps that went to buying memorial plaques etc to give away at dinners and other civic functions, NOT campaign events or personel gain.
    Hope to see comparison of coverage of this to the coverage of the House bank scandal (Since closed) that brought us newt.

  2. Hopefully someone will primary Feinstein outofoffice. She’s a fraud who should have been turfed out years ago.

  3. Rachel Maddow just showed the results of the Icelandic screening of (all?) it’s inhabitants. To my mind it’s the worse case scenario because 1/2 of positive screened are asymptomatic.
    1) Without comprehensive screening we can’t necessarily detect the affected to stop the spread. So what do we do after the next round of isolation? And the next? And where?
    2) The tests are prone to false positives.
    3) If there are false positives, could there be false negatives.

    So we need enough tests to test everybody. Multiple times. While dealing with public corruption, widespread willful ignorance, people waiting for the end of days (related to prior?), and a leader that only knows how to tear things apart…

  4. SOP – Standard Operating Procedure for corrupt politicians with souls rotted away by the maggots of wealth and power. Our pathetic Representatives! What a nightmare horror of government.

    If there were ever a return to judicial honesty, if Citizens United were ever finally burned to the ground and it ashes scattered, we might witness the hundreds or thousands of prosecutions of the filth that deign to call themselves “Honorable”.

    Too late now. They are roaches posing as leaders!

  5. I count 3 R”s and one D. All of them have the money they cashed in on. They need to take it and crawl under a rock somewhere since they’re going to need it to pay their lawyers.
    Alfredo must have stayed late at the DQ and called you because I can only find info on Burr”s deal online.

  6. I’m going to repost this here because I think it’s important. Not only did loffler sell off her stocks, with inside information, she also bought telework stock. How venal can you get?

  7. Sorry for feeling so freaked out, but:
    4) Is superinfection possible? Getting the virus once may not confer immunity. So this may be drawn out forever (even with vaccines, like flu?)…

  8. FINALLY! Someone calls out Bullshit People on MSM live. HA!

    ‘I don’t have to sit and listen to these BS people’: Former FEMA chief walks off MSNBC panel

    WATCH: someone heard enough crap.


  9. Time to issue subpoena’s to find out if campaign funders used insider info from Burr et.al. to dump stocks.

  10. Reminder: Loeffler is married to Jeffrey Sprecher, the chairman of the NY Stock Exchange, and the Chairman and CEO of the Intercontinental Exchange, which is the NYSE’s parent company.
    For 18 years Loeffler worked for Intercontinental Exchange. Most recently she was the CEO of Bakkt, it’s crypto currency platform.

    She initially reported the transactions as sales of stock owned by her husband . Last week she amend Ed her filling to say they were jointly owned.

  11. Now they can each add a wing to their underground bunkers. They’re gonna need it when constituents come looking for them with torches and pitchforks.

  12. I haven’t seen Feinstein’s name. The fourth R I’ve seen is Ron Johnson (surprise!). Are you sure about Feinstein?

  13. Oops, need to self correct: 4 Rs (Burr, Loeffler, Inhofe and Johnson) and 1 D (Feinstein).
    Good Twitter thread: https://mobile.twitter.com/jamiedupree/status/1240815695287500800
    I’m confident that DOJ will investigate the D immediately. If it’s time for Feinstein to retire, CA is not short of good Ds to replace her. Adam Schaffer’s, Katie Porter, for 2.

  14. So add Ron “no big deal is 3.4% die” Johnson to the list.

    Also, I read that Feinstein’s husband sold the stock but after prices tanked. Would like to see numbers on that though.

  15. And on the “fake news trying to stay ahead of the curve” front: fox news is “breaking” the story about Kelly Loeffler.
    And their source?
    The Daily Beast.
    BOOM. Mic Drop

  16. Feinstein’s husband sold stock AFTER it lost some 30% of it’s value. He’s fguilty of being short sighted but he didn’t do what Burr and 3 other GOP senators did. Loeffler’s husband is a NYSE top guy. He needs to lose his job and get sent to JAIL.

  17. Off topic. Sort of.
    Check out Jeff Beck’s Scared For the Children on YouTube

  18. The Surly Professor says:

    Old Fart@3: Pence is right on that testing stuff. Last I read, the US was producing 4000 tests a day. So, with a population of about 335M, that would take only 249.57 years to make a test for everyone.

    Of course, it won’t really take that long. We need to subtract off the people who die while waiting to get tested, and the decrease in population from the coming recession. But the important people like NBA teams and orange-stained pols will get tested right away!

  19. The Surly Professor says:

    P.P. : some jokers in my department have been putting together a youtube playlist for the Trump Plague. I suspect the list was chosen more on the basis of titles than musical quality:


    I’d add Sister Rosetta Tharpe, “Strange Things Happening Every Day”, but that title has been relevant since November 2016:


  20. Jane & PKM says:

    Full disclosure: after Joe Manchin, DiDi Feinstein is perhaps our second least favorite Senator. Her husband did what he has been doing to amass his wealth for years. His wealth accumulates from mostly military stock blood money with a few side bets as the case with the biotech he sold that is in question. As much as we would love to see her primaried by a Progressive or retire, that will be for the voters of California to decide. There is no “there” on that particular transaction.

    Loeffler and Burr? Those are the types of transactions that should set off colossal alarm bells at the SEC. And would, *if only* Senator Warren had her way with finance reform in all categories.

  21. A few words on Burr
    Jan. 24: Senate gets private briefing on coronavirus

    Feb. 7: Burr op-ed says U.S. “is better prepared than ever before”

    Feb. 12: Dow hits all-time high

    Feb. 13: Burr sells $628k-$1.7m in stock

    Feb. 27: Burr privately compares coronavirus to 1918 flu

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Deb @21 consider this Burr’s crescendo to his trail of treason. It stinks. But so does his activity as the bi-partisan face of treachery. While Moscow Mitch is the face of the Russian invasion, Burr was the committee level legs that walked back every potential piece of legislation to correct our vulnerabilities. “Teamwork” rah rah … except some players have been on the wrong team all along.

  23. thatotherjean says:

    @The Surly Professor #19

    I love that playlist–and your addition to it. Thank you! I will play it in my more “whistling past the graveyard” moments. Whatever we need to get through these days.

  24. Old Fart @7….it’s too soon to tell if re-infection is possible or how long any immunity from novel corona might last. estimates now are for maybe a year of immunity. that’s assuming minimal mutations of the thing. it will be years before we know for sure about immunity for those that have had it. meanwhile, keep in mind that, just in China, there are billions of people who have not had it yet. so the fall will be very interesting. maybe even worse.

  25. @Surly Professor
    That playlist needs Eric Burdon & The Animals’ “The Black Plague”

  26. joel hanes says:

    More-responsible reporting has debunked the Dianne Feinstein thing.

    You might want to amend the original post.

  27. Jane & PKM – bingo!
    Joel & MSB – I bear some responsibility for the Feinstein thing. I sent JJ the original info and only got around to looking at Barrons this morning. I think you are right she gets a pass. Burr and Loeffler however do not.

  28. One other data point: Loeffler had not made a single stock transaction during the three weeks she served in office prior to this one. This was her first. The day she got the coronavirus briefing.

  29. Thanks Deb. It’s a bit more subtle than first revealed. Looks like Loeffler and Burr (who’s now trending on Twitter as #Burrisma) for sure.

  30. Suzanne Melton says:

    I’ve been following Cary Huang on YouTube.

    His latest on COVID-19 is about fatalities and flattening the new-cases and active-cases lines.


  31. From the NYT:
    “Feinstein has said that she did not attend the Jan. 24 briefing; her stock was in a blind trust, which means she didn’t make the decision to sell; and the transaction lost her money, because the trust was selling shares of a biotechnology stock, the value of which has since risen.”

  32. It appears that Inhofe and Johnson are also in the clear. Inhofe has been steadily selling stock since he became chair of the Armed Services Committee in late 2018. In other words, he was doing the right thing to unwind potential conflicts of interest. Johnson was selling shares in his family’s plastics business, a process that started well before the briefing. Burr and Loeffler have a lot of “splaining” to do.
