Okay, Okay, I’m Pretty Sure This is True

July 31, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Being ever so careful since being punked last week, it appears that this is really true.

And lucky for us, the truth is even worse that the fiction.  And that’s why satire is dead, dammit.

MicheleBachmann_puckered2aThe satire is that she wanted to put refugee children labor camps.  The ruth is that she dead solid certain that President Obama is bringing these children here for medical experimentation.

No shoot.

Rep. Michelle Bachmann has a new theory about the unaccompanied minors fleeing violence in Central America who have come in large numbers to the southern U.S. border: they are future victims of a liberal plot to use unwilling children for medical experiments.

You know, because liberals are so mean to children and all.

To her credit, she does call the idea “sick,” but she’s sure it’s true and Darlin’, that’s even sicker.

Thanks to Karl for the heads up.

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