Okay, Okay, Even I, Of All People, Did Not Realize That Dubya Is This Bone Chilling Stupid.

November 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, he’s baaaaaaack.

And he’s talking crazy.  The art projects at the asylum did not help, y’all.

Get a load of this.

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Oh yeah, like he got into Yale on his own.  And he didn’t even have to show up for his last year of military duty on his good looks and hard work.  And George P. Bush is massively qualified to be Texas Land Commissioner because, well dammit, he owns land.

In a CBS News interview that aired on Sunday, Bush told host Bob Schieffer that his mother was wrong to think that there had been enough presidents in their family.

“Sometimes her prognostications haven’t been very accurate,” the 43rd president of the United States argued. “No, I think you have to earn your way into politics. I don’t think that anything is ever given to you.”



Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Okay, Okay, Even I, Of All People, Did Not Realize That Dubya Is This Bone Chilling Stupid.”

  1. The real stoopid comes from the fact that he STILL, in spite of all evidence of duplicity and failure, does not regret the Iraq invasion.

  2. I’m convinced that the Rethugs, and their cheerleaders in the media, live in an alternate universe. This is just more proof of that.

  3. I own a bunch of sorry land filled with prickly pears and mesquite trees in Texas. Does that mean I can be Texas Land Commissioner next?

  4. just curious. Exactly WHAT did GWB do to “earn” his way into office? Hmmm.

  5. Well, folks, you have to give him credit for one thing – he must have practiced that work “prognostications” for several weeks before he used it.

  6. I couldn’t stand watching that interview. The very thought that there might be another Bushit in the White House makes me want to lose my breakfast-projectile.

    We don’t need another entitled twit–and so soon after we ducked Rmoney.

    baby bushit didn’t earn anything ever except maybe the undying horror that he provokes whenever he gets publicity

  7. @Marge Wood
    3. Owning that much Panhandle land QUALIFIES you for the office of Texas Land Commissioner. You have to EARN the office in an election in which you spend millions. BTW the honest salary of the sitting Land Commissioner is not in the millions. Just sayin’.

    4. GWB earned his way into the Presidency by his performance as the Governor of Texas. Now he earned his election as Governor of Texas by owning a baseball team in Arlington. Of course being the chile of the 41st POTUS recently retired to Houston didn’t hurt his cause.

  8. @BarbInDC: the sad thing is that the Bushwahs think they can create reality if they repeat BS often enough and with enough conviction. They don’t seem to understand that reality is what actually happens whether you believe it or not.

  9. I think that most rich and powerful people have convinced themselves that they earned their position instead of just being lucky (or having lucky parents). This explains their massive sense of entitlement and their stand that other people are essentially inferior and should be treated accordingly.

    Believing otherwise would hurt their egos and they will never allow that.

  10. @LynnN +1

  11. Perhaps George W. used the origin of the word earn:

    before 900; Middle English ern (i) en, Old English earnian; akin to Old High German arnēn to earn, harvest

    In this case, the serfs do the work, and George W. “earns” the harvest at Yale, ownership of the Rangers, his role as governor, and letting those two other guys, Dick Cheney & Donald Rumsfeld get into positions no one would ever vote them into, by bringing George W. along for the ride.

  12. In the little town of Elkin, NC, tomorrow, Veterans Day 2014, the local VFW post will be renamed to honor the memory of Captain Mark Garner who was killed in Afghanistan on July 6, 2009. Also a part of the Overmountain Victory Trail will be named in his memory. http://www.journalnow.com/news/columnists/scott_sexton/soldier-s-life—not-death—made/article_3587d19e-67b7-11e4-b3e1-b3d0766882e5.html

    Mark EARNED his way through West Point and his Captaincy by being thoroughly decent, hard-working, kind and loving. Mark loved his family. He was totally devoted to the love of his life, his wife Nickayla. He was devoted to his men. Mark had more decency in one discarded little fingernail clipping than Gee Duy-bya has had his whole life.

    I will not say all the words of anger I hold toward that coward who pretended to be president. I will say that hell is not hot enough and eternity is not long enough for him to burn there.

  13. That should be Gee DuH-bya.

  14. How did he earn his way into elected office? Easy. He failed “upwards”. Damn near everything he touched prior to politics went south. The only thing left was to run for office.

  15. Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.

    He also said that he wouldn’t have been president without his daddy, so that’s something nasty to hold against GHWB. (And damn right he wouldn’t have been president without his daddy. He wouldn’t have been dogcatcher without his daddy.)

    And yes, the rich do tend to be selfish buggers who are sure they deserve what they have and that people who aren’t rich just aren’t trying:



    Helen Keller thought that if she could succeed, anybody could. After it was explained to her that few families could afford a private tutor for their blind and deaf child, she became a socialist. That’s the part of her life they don’t tell us about.

  16. One of the few things about this election…. that gives me any comfort at all.

    I’m older than dirt. I survived this dumba** for eight years.

    I figure I can survive most anything …. even Abbutt….. and what’s -his- name….

    You hang in there. And keep fighting to change this idiocy. 🙂

  17. Elise Von Holten says:

    After being born outside the bleachers (you can hear the game announced out there, just can’t see it…) I can barely hold my temper when at the occasional party I run into a third baser. I pass for “white” as my more heavily nosed Jewish friends and I used to laugh about, but know discrimination really well. Didn’t suffer as much as friends of color did, still had skin privilege going for me, but all the other hardscrabble bits are still underneath from my childhood in the ghetto, no running water in houses, desert as far as you could see and a hard work ethic and physical and emotional abuse to get on the other side of. I became physically disabled because of being born and raised as I was, they call it ACE now, get enough Adverse Childhood Events, including bad nutrition… Well, there you go. Which is why I truly support that every child should be a wanted child, not some blow by accident in the back seat of a teenaged boy’s car.
    Anybody who is on third base and thinks they have worked hard..yeah, you put time in. But GWBUSH mostly drank his way through his life, had mega bucks to fall back on and lawyers to cover up and in general is an insufferable twit. That they are actually thinking of Jeb is a nightmare. There is no decency amongst them, no honor among thieves. My hard working 60-80-120+ hours a week, week in and out children-both partners working to make it better for my grand kids…that 3rd base no nothing person needs to be quiet now.

  18. Corinne Sabo says:

    Nothing was given to him, it was handed to him on a silver platter.

  19. That Other Jean says:

    George W. Bush was, as the late and much lamented Ann Richards said, “born with a silver foot in his mouth.”

  20. Never underestimate the stupidity of a Bush. Especially if that Bush has a middle initial of “W”.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, we oughta be talkin’ about Prescott Honey. I heard that they practically had to shove him out the door to get him to make any campaign speeches. You know, uphold the family’s honor and all that.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, yeah let’s call a wambulance for the poor little Pee Bush. Imagine his shame of having been named for one of the worst Nazi arms collaborators ever, then that CIA Grampy Latin America stooge, followed by Uncle Chimpy. Poor little Spoon Fed has some big criminal ancestry to live up to or overcome.

  23. Bush also said that he admired his brother’s ability to speak two languages, when he, himself had only a vocabulary of about 50 words. Two of those were nucular and strategery. My beagle knows about 300 words and so do most toddlers.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, does “aaaaach choking on a pretzel” count as 5 more of Chimpy’s words? Being that he passed out, probably not.

  25. PKM, So what brand of pretzel was that? I need to stock up.

  26. Interesting GB doesn’t write about his experience in office, as most presidential memoir books do, but instead focuses on his father. Good duck and cover page.

  27. Marge Wood says:

    Oh, GWB had a learning disability. I’m curious. Who helped him write his book? I am actually sympathetic with having to write a book when you can barely read. Thing is, I don’t think GWB was in the family plans for the White House, was he? Didn’t they actually plan for the one from Florida to be president? Somebody goofed. But back to Prescott Honey, I wonder whose idea he was? Oh that’s right, I’m s’posed to be in there reorganizing my non-office.

  28. e platypus onion says:

    If Saddam was guilty of being in cahoots with al quada because one member was allegedly treated in an Iraqi hospital,what does that say about “shrub” whose family has been in bed and in business with bin-ladin’s family for like,forever?
