Okay, Okay, Even I, Of All People, Did Not Realize That Dubya Is This Bone Chilling Stupid.
Okay, he’s baaaaaaack.
And he’s talking crazy. The art projects at the asylum did not help, y’all.
Oh yeah, like he got into Yale on his own. And he didn’t even have to show up for his last year of military duty on his good looks and hard work. And George P. Bush is massively qualified to be Texas Land Commissioner because, well dammit, he owns land.
In a CBS News interview that aired on Sunday, Bush told host Bob Schieffer that his mother was wrong to think that there had been enough presidents in their family.
“Sometimes her prognostications haven’t been very accurate,” the 43rd president of the United States argued. “No, I think you have to earn your way into politics. I don’t think that anything is ever given to you.”
Thanks to Irene for the heads up.