Okay, NOW They Have Hacked Me Off

April 07, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita is white hot mad. She’s all horns and rattles this morning.

She read some of the local real blogs last night.  Bad mistake.

There’s a mess bigger than a basket of wire coat hangers at the Fort Bend Independent School District and  the local damn fools are blaming “the liberals,” and the “liberal education take-over,” and one guy even said that you can expect this kind of thing when you elect a socialist President.

“Caca del toro,” Juanita shouts this morning when telling us about it.

“Just for fun, I looked up the voting record of our school board members.  There are 7 school board members.  Six of them are what we call triple R Republicans.  Hard core kiddos who vote in every Republican primary, some of them for as long as record keeping goes back,” Juanita announces.

“One of them – Daniel Menendez, voted in Republican primaries consistently until 2010.  He voted Democratic this election.  Hell, he even voted in the Republican primary when Barack Obama was on the ballot  and it mattered.”

“Heckfire,” she continues, “even the Superintendent is a Republican.  He’s voted in Republican primaries since he got here.”

“I ain’t listening to them try to blame Democrats for the mess that Republicans made,” she stomps.

“However,” she says with a sly grin, “I do have some news about the mess that Democrats made.  Well, it’s not really a mess.  In fact, you might refer to it as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”

“The only – I repeat, ONLY – Democratic Mayor in Fort Bend County, Leonard Scarcella, my friend and the smartest guy I know, had a little announcement this week ——

While a lot of cities and other public sector governmental agencies are dealing with budget issues or shortfalls, Stafford not only is debt free, it even has a budget surplus in spite of sales tax revenue being down 20 percent.  “We resisted strongly with regard to debt,” he said speaking about projects such as roads improvements and many other things that cities typically borrow from cash reserves to accomplish.  “We want to make sure to use the money we receive not to pay interest and escrow payments related to bonds, which can be quite sizeable, but have all the money to pay,” for necessary projects.

“So, the city of Stafford has a budget surplus, and even built the outstanding Stafford Centre to bring extra class and culture to their city, and their leader is a hard core, liberal, yellow dog Democrat.  And let me rub this in a little harder to really make the GOP seethe – Stafford has no property taxes.  None.  Zero.  I am not kidding,” Juanita says.

“And,” she recalls with a smile the size of Vermont, “I do recall that Leonard Scarcella pulled his city out of your school district and founded they only municipal school district in Texas in 1977 because he was sick, sick, sick of your big spending ways that didn’t benefit his minority kids.”

“Not only is his city doing fine, so is his school district.” Juanita sticks a needle in a another Republican balloon.  It’s her job.


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