Okay, New Mexico, That’s Fine and Good, But Will You Welcome Refugees From Other States?

January 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

New Mexico is trying to move school board elections to be one the same day as other elections in an effort to increase turnout.

New Mexico’s wily state legislators  have suggested some changes in the law.  The strike through is what they want to take out and the underline is what they want to put in.

“Every citizen of the United States who is over the age of twenty-one years and has resided in New Mexico twelve months, in the county ninety days, and in the precinct in which he the person offers to vote thirty days, next preceding the election, except idiots, insane persons and person convicted of a felonious or infamous crime unless restored to political rights, shall be qualified to vote at all elections for public officers. The legislature may enact laws providing for absentee voting by qualified electors. All school elections shall be held at different times from other partisan elections.”

Now, as people have pointed out, the legal age to vote in 18, not 21.

Secondly, they go to all the trouble to change “he” to “the person” so as not offend hooter toters.

But, for reasons known only to God, they leave in that idiots cannot vote.

Let us pray that this trend continues because then this country will never elect another Republican.

Thanks to David B for the heads up.

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