Okay, Let’s Make This Interesting

January 05, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The person who can pick the time of a successful vote and the name of the next Speaker of the House will win … you know, like a prize or something.

So make your pick – the time and date of a successful vote and the name of the Mystery Speaker.  The winner will receive a genuine copy of my favorite and almost constant bedside book, A Patriot’s Handbook, delivered to your home by the United States Postal Workers.

Please feel free to add your justification for your wager or not. It’s up to you. I’d just like to know your thinking and I’m will to send you a book for it.

Hey, I’d send liquor and popcorn if I could.


0 Comments to “Okay, Let’s Make This Interesting”

  1. I’m just sitting here listening to the SEVENTH vote and some doofus voted for The Orange Moron. You can’t make this stuff up. My fondest dream is for six sensible Rethugs–I know, I know, they don’t exist–who will finally stick it to the crazies in their party and vote for Jeffries. I can’t imagine how many votes that would take.

    Other than that, I got nuttin’.

  2. Frederick says:

    Bozo the Clown
    January 32, 2023
    Pinhead Time

  3. I heard the one who voted for TFFG was Matt Gaetz. Why isn’t that dude in prison already?

  4. Impossible ask Juanita. These republicans are nuttier than a squirrel and chipmunk party.

  5. Hakeem Jeffries will win after 50-some rounds, when multiple GOP reps fail to name an actual person in their votes and others are absent, giving Dems a majority of named persons voted for.

  6. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Gym Jordan will win after 14 ballots, and will promptly provide Matt Gaetz with the number of 14-year-olds of his choice, whom
    Gaetz will ‘wine and dine’ with pizza, and pay by Venmo.

    I’m sorry….I have to leave to be sick now.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    The GOP really should nominate Bobby Jindal. He at least knows they’re the party of stupid.

    Unlikely, but would love to see 6 of the GOP come to their senses and back Congressman Hakeem Jeffries.

    eyesoars @5 – your scenario has the best hope! Could happen. Thanks for the much needed optimism today. After two storms of atmospheric river we’re on track for a Pacific Pineapple, the big McGillicuddy of all snow storms.

  8. Question:
    Is it required that the Speaker be alive? For instance, could Republicans vote for Abe Lincoln, and hold a séance every time Abe needs to rule on procedure?

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Having a tough time trying to guess because the repugnanticans are so fractured, not sure any of them could get the votes. Jeffries has been my guess for a couple of days because he has by far the most votes, so I agree with #5 except it may not take that many votes. When they don’t get their paychecks or insurance, things will change. That’s almost too good to be true. In the meantime I’ll enjoy these:

  10. I’m holding out for Hakeem Jeffries. Maybe a few saner Republicans will realize the futility of voting for K-Mac and choose a member in good standing. Yeah, I know it’s a long shot…

  11. Marc Davis says:

    Still think it will end up as Gym Jordan somewhere around the 20th ballot.

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I like the suicide option where the McCarthy faction changes the rules to win with a plurality. The RWNJs have to vote McCarthy or give it to Jeffries. I like that because I’m bloodthirsty and I want some Republican blood (figuratively). As for timing, who knows. I’m in no hurry because I am enjoying the chaos.

  13. Still think Elise Stefanik is quietly working the room.
    She is a self absorbed, self promoting , snake in the grass.
    It would give Republicans an out, appeal to woman Republicans AND who supports and is supported by Trump.
    After the 10th vote.

    I will assume the Republicans want to make sure McCarthy stays dead when they put him out of his misery.

  14. While I like the idea of Jeffries, I think the GOP will finally come around to Steve Scalise.

    He was shot by a liberal – or, at least someone who hated Republicans https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/james-hodgkinson-shooting-republicans-baseball-game

    Not sure how many ballots it will take. I’m thinking at least 2 more weeks.

  15. Rather than thinking about a repub “leader”, I went to ebay and found the book. Much cheaper and saner way to go.

  16. I try....I am very trying says:


  17. UmptyDump says:

    This is harder than pinning the tail on the donkey, because we have no clue at this point as to which donkey (or elephant)!

    I’m going for better odds – buying numbers in tomorrow’s MegaMillions drawing.

  18. Sandridge says:

    Ninth vote is done, McQlown goes down in flames again with just 201 votes.

  19. Sandridge says:

    They changed it, McQlown only got 200 votes, two other qlowns got 20 and 1 ‘present’.
    Jeffries wins again with 212.

  20. The Surly Professor says:

    Already the GOPers and main stream media are trying to pin this imbroglio on … the Democrats. That they are blocking progress in Congress by not voting for McCarthy, and are enjoying this situation when they should be resolving it.

    While it’s true that the Democrats are the adults in the House, I’ll make the claim that since Jeffries has gotten the most votes on every ballot, it’s incumbent on the Repubs to grow up and shift votes to Jeffries.

    But I don’t own Clearcast, Fox News, or even the Chicago Tribune, so obviously I must be wrong. In any case, I’m not going to bet on the outcome. Instead I’ll use the years of experience of Texas politics and sit back and enjoy the show. Sorta like AOC seems to be doing:


  21. Rick, not sure about that particular requirement.
    But I gotta admit, they’d get more actual direction and leadership than McCarthy has shown ’em.

  22. Darn.
    Going to lose on the # number of voting times…

    Can I still have liquor, please?

  23. Jane & PKM says:

    The Surly Professor @20 – great point that it’s on the GOP to grow up and vote for the man with the most votes, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries.

    Then there’s this: After the sixth House vote, we’ll be entering Seventh Qevin. Round eight, Qevin for the Pearly Gates?

    Anyone heard from Bobby Jindal, the prophet for the Party of Stupid?

  24. Sandridge says:

    Dang, the video feed isn’t keeping the vote running count on screen for this tenth poll.
    And the Clerk is getting pissed, gaveling a bunch of unruly QGPs for noisily disrupting the proceeding.

  25. Sandridge says:

    McQlown went down in flames again a while ago.
    Now on to the ELEVENTH vote shortly, or adjournment if the Democrats will allow it.

    Jeffries leading 80-67, McQlown dead with 9 for two other qlowns.

  26. I don’t know, but if it is the case that, since they haven’t been sworn in, the possibiliity they may not being paid for their services may make it sooner rather than later.

  27. Sandridge says:

    On the prediction, WTFK?
    My SWAG: Jerkwater Jordan, on the 22nd vote, next Wednesday, 1900hrs.

  28. Kevin thought he could win by selling his soul to the crazy caucus. Turns out he would have done better if he had cozied up a little to the Democrats. He still has time, but I don’t know if he has the smarts or the integrity to do that. If he did, he’d pretty much have to renounce every single one of the promises he made to the crazies.

    Of course, one can hope. After all, miracles do happen…

  29. Sandridge says:

    Per C-SPAN, media chatter has a backroom deal cooking to have the qrazies flip to McQlown and finish out winning the 11th vote this evening…

    One of the backroom principals is Rep. Chip Roy [R-21, N of SA, W of Austin mostly], a truly nasty Texass POS; so take it with a grain of salt.

  30. Sandridge says:

    Matt Gaetz [R-QFL] is nominating Donnei Effing Trump now [again]!

  31. I’m going with Jefferies in 24. The fracture in the republican party will wear down the centrists wanting to get on with their duties.

  32. Jane & PKM says:

    rofl The moron** tRump lost another election. He received ONE vote for Speaker from Matt Gaetz. Loser really lost. Again. Even MAGAt Marge and Bobo the Dodo didn’t vote for TFG.

    Please stay strong Democrats. Do NOT compromise with Qevin McQarthy. If the GOP is so desirous of having a House Speaker, Congressman Jeffries is available ***if only*** six of you would consider the country over your Party of Stupid. C’mon Qevin, give it up and do something for our country by throwing GIOP support to Congressman Jeffries.

  33. Sandridge says:

    Barf, lingering video of Santos yakking with MTG, both happy as pigs in shit [third guy =?]…

    Seem to be a lot of Reps missing their votes, hope that doesn’t screw things up.
    My former Congresscritter Henry Cuellar didn’t appear to vote, among many others. WTF, these SOBs get paid big bucks for very little work, and can’t be bothered to put in a little overtime?

  34. Sandridge says:

    Hmmm, George Santos just stood up and voted, then MTG and Santos picked up their coats and headed for the exit together… Get a room time?
    Need brainbleach now..

  35. Katherine says:

    The old curse/blessing that may you live in interesting times seems to be appropriate here.

  36. Jane & PKM says:

    lol Sandridge @34, you are so lucky that tonight is not my night to cook dinner for Jane and the boys. Lordy. I’d be tossing down bleach cocktails for the cleansing benefits.

    As amusing as the Qevin McQarthy skeet shoot of stupid has been, we eagerly await Ms. JJ’s cartoons tomorrow. Dang. When pundits, pollsters and other irrelevant media morons are so clueless, wot? We can only HOPE the comics and comedians reach more people than the bought and paid for allegedly ‘clueless’ media.

  37. Steve from Beaverton says:

    11th inning is over. Democrats have more hits but still no scoring. Even if/when a repugnantican gets voted in as speaker, this week shows just how dysfunctional they really are. I’m still looking for a number of them to skip voting. Then who knows. I’d say stranger things have happened, but it hasn’t. Ever.

  38. RepubAnon says:

    I say Steve (scumsucker) Scalise on the first ballot after the stock market drops below 30,000. (Say, January 13th)

  39. It won’t happen, but there would be some payback if it were Liz Cheney.
    Honestly, I was having a conversation with my wife about whether or not there are any moderate GOPs in the House; I can’t think of any. Are there any Charlie Baker types in the House GOP anymore? To think that Liz Cheney, bride of the Sith might kinda be acceptable…

  40. Nick Carraway says:

    No bet but here’s my plea. No Democratic spin. No comment necessary. When someone or something is hell bent on destroying themselves don’t do them any favors. Let them. This is a brilliantly stupid symbol all by itself. The GOP can’t govern. There’s no need to spin it.

  41. AlanInAustin ... says:

    I’ll pick vote #17 because that’s a prime number.

  42. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Well, Sandridge, we only have Santos’s word that he’s gay. And Santos’s word is worth less than Herschel Walker’s sheriff badge.

    They can always dip into their roster of former Speakers, only one of whom (Hastert) actually went to prison. So I’ll bet the long shot: Gingrich on February 1 or the hundredth ballot, whichever comes first.

  43. McCarthy (bleh)
    Sunday, Jan 8, 3 AM

  44. The Surly Professor says:

    Alan in Austin: 9973 is also prime. So is 49971617830801. But as one wag has pointed out, after 17 votes Matt Gaetz will lose interest since he believes 18 and up is too much.

    I don’t know what’s the biggest prime found so far, but GIMPS (the Great Mersennes Internet Prime Search) has 2^57885161 – 1 as the largest verified Mersennes one so far. It requires over 17 million digits to write out, which is too mind-numbing even for me to think about. [Sorry to geek out on everyone; I’ve been teaching myself number theory the past few months and it’s been a blast]
