Okay, It Made Me Laugh.

October 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to Marge for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Okay, It Made Me Laugh.”

  1. I really like this one!

  2. Is that why I never see Mitt wearing a top hat & monocle?

  3. Oh, great gods and little fishes. The Rosie Perez video had me laughing so hard I nearly pee’d my pants. Sorry Mama.

    Hippie in the Hollar

  4. m in El Paso says:

    Thanks to you & your “patrons,” JJ, for keeping us smiling during this vicious & depressing political season.

  5. No fair! Romney gets the “Get Out of Jail” card every darn game.

  6. Well… Michael Milken & Martha Stewart spent some time in the ‘slammer’ & Bernie Madoff is there now. Chuck Colson used his time wisely while in jail & made a fortune since getting out. For starters anyway…

  7. CBS reported Ryan stopped at an empty soup kitchen for a photo-op washing clean pots… without permission to be there. On the video, he’s telling his kids about getting callouses at a job washing dishes. Just like the rest of the GOP, show up when someone else has already cleaned up the mess! 😉

    But I do have to share this great comment…

    “My first job was as a dishwasher when I was 15 years old in High school in the 70’s. I worked in a hotel for 3 years where they had weddings every Friday, Saturday and Sunday of up to a 1000 people. I would get home at 4-5AM after washing a thousand people’s dishes. I used gloves, every dishwasher I knew used gloves, the 8 dishwashers where I worked used gloves because the water was 180 degrees plus. If Ryan used the proper temperature hot water, he would have used gloves. Ryan cannot even wash dishes correctly!”


  8. innerlooper says:

    As all children learn the secret to winning the game is to be the banker
