Okay, I’m Real Confused

June 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

What the hell, Dan Coats?

On the one hand, if Trump hadn’t asked Coates and Rodgers to intervene in the Russia investigation, they wouldn’t be refusing to answer that question.

On another hand, what the hell do his feeling have to do with this?

On the third hand, was the Washington Post that wrong?

I’m just confused.


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0 Comments to “Okay, I’m Real Confused”

  1. I don’t think the WaPo was in error. So help me, this is really starting to sound like a page out of the Watergate scrapbook with various people denying stuff and the WaPo sticking to its guns!

  2. Maymoon says:

    I am thinking Coats will wait until closed session and then tell the committee what happened. Maybe hoping someone will talk before him. He does not want to be “the one” to put trump away! Otherwise he would have said no such conversation ever took place! Right?

  3. There are two scenarios, the non-answers are to protect Mueller’s investigation or they are a demonstration of contempt for the process itself and for us as citizens. i still hold out hope for the first one.

  4. Old Fart says:

    As long as the Senators aren’t confused, ultimately, I’ll be satisfied.

  5. Jorge Peralta says:

    I agree that very limited things can be said right now, in order to protect Muller’s investigation. Think of this more like TSA airport searches, where the public is given theater to feel like they are being kept in the loop, while the real work happens in the background. The general direction of the investigation will continue to be leaked to the press by those in the know, but major pronouncements by senior people will be few and far between.

  6. The non denial is a confirmation. The request to go closed session is them circling the wagons because they saw what happened to Comey. I hope Bunny is correct.

    The fact that the FBI Director, (Comey), was so concerned about the way the President was acting that he asked the AG not to leave him alone with the President is horrific. The fact that the AG didn’t honor that request tells you all you need to know about Sessions complicity in this morass.

    No one in this Administration has the integrity of John Dean and no Republican in the House or Senate has the integrity of Rhodes, Goldwater or Scott none of them cares enough about this country to pull the plug on this fiasco by telling Trump and or their colleagues that it is time for him to go. Furthermore their is no Haig or Kissinger in this cabal of crazy to reign the Toddler in Chief in while this is done and that more than anything else should scare the willies out of all of us.

  7. fran Seyer says:

    yeah, yet another friend of dense from Indiana…….what do you expect from the GOPers from our state.

  8. I have this feeling that in the future, we’ll have a better understanding of whether or not it’s a matter of national security for leaders of the intelligence community to admit in an open hearing that their discussions with each other were colored by their mutual acknowledgement that potus is cray-cray.

  9. Tilphousia says:

    Watergate revisited. The Washington Post gets it right on and the GOP tries to wiggle, lie and sleazy out of answering questions. And Sen Kamala Harris was treated horribly by the rethuglicans who told her to be “courteous”. None of the boys were shushed. What crap!

  10. Keep your eye on the use of the word “Inappropriate”
    I suspect their testimony and the use of that word was all a set up to attack Comey’s testimony……. popcorn, please.
