Okay, I Think I Get It

July 02, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let’s see if I have this right.

Trump calls CNN “Fake News” and then uses a fake teevee clip of himself with a fake CNN logo doing fake fighting.

Dude, Trump just cornered the market on fake and weaponized it.



However, his enormous, flabby butt probably isn’t fake.  Honey, if I had a butt that size, I’d know better than to stick it in a camera.


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0 Comments to “Okay, I Think I Get It”

  1. This was getting air time here in D.C. on the talking head shows. So was the memorable”I can because I’m President.” to which 99% of listeners said or thought “nanny nanny boo-boo!” chuck Todd had a special set of graphics how many many times the Barking Yam tweeted while one of his big priorities was in process. No wonder his agenda isn’t getting anywhere!

  2. I have to agree with Ana Navarro and Donnie Deutsch – how a man so disgustingly ugly and so flabby fat can disparagingly comment on other people’s appearances is puzzling.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    We need a new clock to countdown the days or hours it takes before some Drumpf dummy bags a reporter. You know it is gonna happen and of course Obama will get the blame for dividing America because he was inconsiderate enough to be Black.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    That certainly places the maximus before the gluteous.

  5. Maybe if we offer him his own fake wrestling show, he’ll go away, and leave us alone.

    I’d even be OK with letting him fake win every bout.

  6. Y’all remind me of the time the Emperor Nero decided to compete in the Olympic Games. No surprise, he won everything. He fell out of his chariot during the race and everybody stopped to let him get back in. His medals were just as authentic as the Barking Yam’s “wins”, and only a toddler would be proud of them.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    and he could have his BFF sit there with a clicker and keep score to make sure he has bragging rights .
    I can’t make it move. Is it the fake visit to a kindergarten and a fake Pence makes him drop the ball and drags him out?

  8. Well, I think Hell is starting to freeze over. Just watched a female Republican talking head blast Trump’s latest display of over the line infantilism in very, very strong words. She is worried about the country and then her party. Also saw Kasich giving his idea on how the TrumpCare thing will play out. If McTurtle is going to offer all the hold outs opioid rehab money, he is going to find out via the CBO that what he has in mind just won’t come anywhere near cutting it. So it will be back to the drawing board and the longer Trump Care stays on the drawing board the less chances it has of ever seeing daylight.

  9. Rastybob says:

    Fake tweet, fake Pres. Now off to give Putin what ever he wants. Hope The Traitor Trump Train jumps the track soon.

  10. I think that a$$ has gotten larger. I mean, I think that a$$’$ butt has gotten larger since January 2017. If he doan slow down on the ice cream double dips his butt is gonna need its own zip code.

  11. Micr, you’re correct; it already needs license tags

  12. maryelle says:

    God help us and save us from this maniac and his Republican
    goose steppers.

  13. All wrasslin’ fans should celebrate the reincarnation of Gorgeous George.

  14. Have been testing the waters on whether or not he is really playing to his base. Do not think so. They have already testified that they will be with him no matter what he does or how he does it. Forget that walk down Broadway, shooting somebody and getting away with it. Think fully crowded orphanage and arson. He just keeps amping up. This behavior is supposed to do something entirely else such as divert attention away from the Russian election meddling and a few other noxious things. Keep the faith. With his lack of filters or boundaries, all will definitely be revealed. And then he will deny it with full venting of screeching and screaming. And it won’t work anymore.

  15. Actually, this video was filmed ten years ago at Wrestlemania XXIII, so I’m sure that Trump’s ass is much fatter today than at age sixty-one. But he said he only weighs 235 pounds, right? Not bad for a big, tall man?

    Watch the original, completely faked, homoerotic torture and hazing ritual here.

    Time for a break. Y’all enjoy your holiday. May the Goddess bless Texas and the rest of our wonderful country. I miss hearing that good jazz radio from NTU, though it is available on-line.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Honey, he’s way over 235. Frankly, if I were President and as unqualified as he is and he knows it, I’d be eating ice cream by the tub. He don’t drink and he don’t chew and he don’t go with girls that do. You gotta do SOMETHIN’.
