Okay, I Can Live With That

June 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It could not have happened to two more deserving people.

This week’s episode of “Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly,” which featured InfoWars founder Alex Jones, came in last place among the four major broadcast networks, Variety reports.

“With 3.5 million total viewers, Kelly’s program not only came in behind Fox’s U.S. Golf Open Championship coverage (6.1 million) but also reruns of CBS’ 60 Minutes (5.3 million) and ABC’s America’s Funniest Home Videos (3.7 million).”

Honey, when America would rather watch golf and a rerun of 60 minutes than watch two enormous egos – both of whom are a wee crazy – play each other in a gotcha game, I have renewed faith in my country, dammit.

Way to go, America.


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0 Comments to “Okay, I Can Live With That”

  1. Now can they both please disappear?

    At least the “60 Minutes” that came second was a rerun. I’d rather watch grass grow than golf on TV.

  2. Larry from Colorado says:

    I filled out the contact form at NBC and told them I will not watch anything on NBC again as long as Megan is employed there.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Alex Jones? Next probable career move for Megyn will be as hostess for one of those what’s really going on at Roswell ‘reality’ shows. Maybe she and Geraldo can team up for annual visits to Al Capone’s box.

    Then again, MSNBC isn’t doing any better with Greta. She brought back Bloody Bill Kristol and probably has Darth Cheney, John Bolton, Rummy and other we’d like to forget serial killers ready to roll out of their crypts.

    And, can CNN dig up anyone more vile & dishonest than Jeffrey Lord. Why yes. Yes they can, and do all too frequently.

    From our cable companies “guide” showing the guests on each show, it doesn’t seem that we’ll be watching cable news anytime soon.

  4. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    Off topic:

    JJ, Larry, Marcia and other Colorado folks:
    Good chance for Colorado Rockies and your Houston Astros to meet up in the fall at the World Series. If so we might want to arrange a meet up at one of the saloons down around LoDo. (but not so close we can’t find a place to park). Yes, Quakers are not tea totalers, just modest. ~ :o)

  5. WA Skeptic says:

    Ya know, I kinda like AFHV–except for the ones where some poor dude gets whacked in the groin.

  6. This post needs a “Like” button.

  7. Lunargent says:

    Old Quaker –

    Why make it dependent on the Rockies?
    Or limit it to LoDo?

    I’m not a big drinker, but would certainly be amenable to hoisting a glass with such convivial company. And a lot sooner than the end of baseball season.

  8. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    You choose a time and place and I’ll show up. My email is: argyle.jlsh@gmail.com
    Judith in Centennial

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    @Old Quaker … thanks for the invite but I am not a sports fan so never watch any of the games. And I definitely would not drive to Denver from Canon City … just don’t do any long distance driving any more! I won’t even go into CO Springs on my own … panic attacks tend to keep one in familiar territory.
    I’m sure it would be a fun time, but I simply have to pass! 🙁

  10. @Old Quaker (Colorado)

    Did MLB call the season with 60+ games to go?

  11. Leeanna says:

    A wee crazy you say. That’s like saying there are no millionaires in Congress
