Okay, I Admit It
It’s not going well, y’all. I listened to the talking heads last night on the television and they say the debt ceiling deal is catastrophic and a major threat to democracy. It looks like Biden’s bill is DOA because, come to find out, Democrats are not a whole lot better at compromise than Republicans are. An absolutely new variant of Covid has been found in a nursing home in Nebraska or some damn place and we are back to killing 2,000 people a day with Covid. Migrants are being beaten with a whip by LEOs on horseback on the border. We’re having 16 foot waves on a lake near Chicago and that just don’t seem right. Biden is giving away nuclear weapons and, damn, that don’t seem right either.
This morning, I was so depressed that I considered moving to Cuba and running for Secretary of Agriculture. Somebody’s gotta bring in the agave crop and I think I am just the woman to it done.
So, I went looking somewhere – anywhere – for good news. This appears to be a lot harder than you’d suspect. But, I finally found it and it was worth the hunt.
People with a higher consumption of dairy fat have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than those with low intakes, according to new research studying some of the world’s biggest consumers of dairy products.
A hunk of cheese and a bottle of wine because my heart needs it today.
One other thing, how come all this news and a white girl getting killed by her boyfriend takes precedence over everything? Did Nancy Grace win the culture wars?