Okay, Here’s the Voter Fraud the Tea Party is Talking About.

April 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, there is voter fraud in Texas. 

True the Vote ought to all over this like green on grass, but oddly, it’s not even mentioned on their website.  In fact, they have been as quiet as a snowflake on a feather about it.

That might be because the tea party leaders in Montgomery County are the ones who committed the fraud.

Well, hell, it does say RESIDENCE Inn.

Seven tea partiers were indicted by a grand jury for voter fraud last week, and one of them was even a candidate for county judge.

More than a year since a state district judge ruled 10 Montgomery County residents voted fraudulently in a Woodlands election, a grand jury last week indicted seven of those individuals for illegal voting.

The indictments stem from the May 8, 2010, election of The Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1. Ten individuals listed their voter registration address as that of a hotel in order to take control of the RUD board.

Former Montgomery County Judge candidate Adrian Heath heads the list of people charged with the third-degree felony. Heath declined comment, saying he was looking into hiring an attorney. […]

Well, I do imagine you’ll be needing a lawyer because this is a third degree felony.

They wanted to take over an RUD so they all conveniently listed their permanent address as a Residence Inn Hotel.  Truth be known, they probably don’t have birth certificates, went to the hotel just to have anchor terrorist babies, and are welfare cheats, too.

Oh, and don’t let me forget to tell you that these are the same guys who wanted to put a fig leaf on the winkie part of Michelangelo’s David that was being displayed on top of a sporting goods store.  Seriously.  They also wanted an Italian restaurant to be Rated X because of some nude 19th century paintings.  Their children are not allowed to see art unless it’s a portrait of Jesus with eyes that follow you around the room, dogs playing cards, or Elvis on velvet.  You know, real art, not this nakkid stuff.

Thanks to MaryK for the heads-up.

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