Okay, Here’s the Deal

July 17, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you request that I approve a comment that contains a cuss word stronger than damn, hell, crap, poopie del pollo, or an occasional sumbitch, it’s not going to get approved.  My Momma would chase me down and wash my mouth out with soap and then hit me with a dictionary.  Then she’d get a second wind and come after you.

But, here’s the deal.  I cannot check with you to see if an edit to your comment would be okay if you don’t give me a valid damn email address when you comment.

Screen Shot 2014-07-17 at 10.38.31 AMLook, I’m not going to publish your email address or sell it to some guy in Hong Kong.  It’s just a damn email address.  Whaddya think I’m going to do with it?  Beg to become your pen pal?  Advertise it on the Vegas strip in neon?  Make fun that your email address is pinkypoo@aol.com?

That’s the deal.

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “Okay, Here’s the Deal”

  1. I really wish you had not shared my email, JJ.

  2. Wish more professional political organizations maintained the standards you do. Thanks.

  3. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    LOL Cheryl. I’ll be emailing you directly in just a very few minutes.

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    I can’t believe folks that come to the Beauty Salon can’t give you a good email addy. Personally, I’d rather you ARE able to contact me then not!! Because I appreciate you and all that you do to keep this blog up and operating and I know it hasn’t always been easy … ((hugs))!!

  5. My accurate email address is right there on the “Leave a Reply” form, so I assume you’re getting it each time. If not, well, [expletive deleted].

    I’m with Marcia in CO: Long may JJ wave (with however many fingers are appropriate)!

  6. daChipster says:

    Dear Miss JJ of Houston, Texas, US,

    We are not falling for your Texas America tricks! We have already paid for the pinkypoo email address, even though we found out we could have gotten it off a neon sign in Vegas for free. We !!%&^#^@*$ sure aren’t going to pay you for it again.

    (Feel free to edit that last line, we know !!%&^#^@*$ might be a little strong for weak American weepy eyes.)

    Very truly yours,

    da Hongkong E-Mail Purchase (HEMP) Consortium

    P.S. Pinky Poo says stop cyber-stalking her, she does not want to be your pen pal “bestie!”

    P.P.S. Pupi de Pollo is Hongkong’s most popular TexMex restaurant. We can’t figure out why you want to keep out of your country children who can cook such wonderful dishes and who will work for Chinese Walmart supplier wages.

  7. You go, girl! I work hard to be a decent human being and have my epitaph read ” He was a good man, …… mostly”. I have and will continue to abide. Thanks for what you do and keep it up.

  8. Joe's Confused....still says:

    dangit, I still got 200 minutes on my AOL dialup account and you splashed my address. I’m gonna have to find another disc in my mailbox

  9. lazrgrl says:

    “poopie del pollo” has officially become my go-to cuss word, replacing the “cwap!” my 2 year old grandson was overheard to say.

  10. Craig Waters says:

    Dear Miss Juanita,

    Darn it all to heck! One of the reasons that I like reading you is for the colorful expressions that are not off color.

  11. Marge Wood says:

    You mean there are actually stronger cuss words than the ones you showed to us? Fanning myself here. Deliver us!

  12. Craig Waters, I agree about loving the colorful Texas expressions from JJ and others. I used to watch Dan Rather on election nights just to hear him go off script.

  13. Karen Crosby says:

    Hey, girl, you rock. How are you doing after that fight with the stair? Update. And, Greg Abbott is slower than a sloth and so is his huge staff.

  14. Herm, you kindred spirit! Gosh, I figure i’m doing slam bang great just being a marginally decent human being. Figure I can’t ask for more than that. My epitaph will require one helluva tombstone. It will read “With champagne and BenGay. Does that answer your question?”

  15. Y’all mean I can’t say “poopie de pollo” without checking first? I work in an elementary school and have to hold my tongue all dang day as it is? (And, truly, I meet a lot of poopie de pollo people all day long as registrar.) In fact PdeP doesn’t come close. I am in Virginia, the state of split personality politics.

  16. BarbinDC says:

    I, personally, would love to know the details that prompted Miss JJ’s rant. Wouldn’t all of you?

  17. Juanita Jean says:

    BarbinDC – my life is detail free.

  18. Gristle McThornbody says:

    Land ‘o goshen! I’m here to tell you that if I can make a comment here without swearing, anyone can. I have a mouth on me like a longshoreman, but when someone asks you not to pee off the porch you play by their rules when you visit their house.

  19. kath the scrappy says:

    How curious. I’ve never used any of them nasty words. Still, every post I make goes to “moderation” until people stop even reading the thread.

    On the other hand, if I donate to one of the Texas Dem causes JJ has promoted, wowsy that payment goes thru slick as a sea otter. Even get endless solicitations forevermore.

    Guess you can guess, I stopped donating.

  20. Juanita Jean says:

    Kath the scrappy – bless your heart, you post a comment at 2:24 am and have to wait until I get up at 8:00 am to have it moderated. It is, indeed, very curious that I don’t stay up all night breathlessly waiting for people to post.

    Here’s the deal: I shut down the computer at about 7:30 every evening – sometimes earlier – and unless something dramatic happens, I spend time with Bubba. I try to check for comments every couple of hours during the day but sometimes my life gets in the way of my website. Nobody is picking on you personally. You get the same unappreciated and shabby treatment that everyone else gets.

    Read slowly because I’m only going to say this once: I am not in charge of processing donations to Democratic candidates. I wanted to do that but they wouldn’t let me because I made a loud and highly irritating biological noise at every donation coming through.

    Thank God it’s Friday!

  21. Zyxomma says:

    I come here to experience JJ’s brilliance, which is always on display here at the beauty salon. If I want to read stronger language than what we’re allowed to post here, there’s always the comments section at Wonkette.

  22. Wa Skeptic says:

    It wasn’t me, I hope! My email account was hacked and I found about 90 “daemon” listed when I checked it. Plus, I don’t remember using any nasty language, but since I mostly post comments at Zero-Dark Thirty, I might have, so I sincerely apologize just in case.

  23. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    You can get a free email account from Google, Yahoo, or any number of other places just to use here, or anywhere one is required. I have so many throwaway email accounts I have trouble keeping up with them. If you’re terrified of having your real email account compromised, and don’t have 5 minutes to get a throwdown, you shouldn’t be commenting on the interwebtubes.

  24. Well shucky darn and slop the chickens! The only reason I’ve been giving you my email was in the hope that you’d write me back and we’d become penpals!
