Okay, Here’s the Deal
If you request that I approve a comment that contains a cuss word stronger than damn, hell, crap, poopie del pollo, or an occasional sumbitch, it’s not going to get approved. My Momma would chase me down and wash my mouth out with soap and then hit me with a dictionary. Then she’d get a second wind and come after you.
But, here’s the deal. I cannot check with you to see if an edit to your comment would be okay if you don’t give me a valid damn email address when you comment.
Look, I’m not going to publish your email address or sell it to some guy in Hong Kong. It’s just a damn email address. Whaddya think I’m going to do with it? Beg to become your pen pal? Advertise it on the Vegas strip in neon? Make fun that your email address is pinkypoo@aol.com?
That’s the deal.