Okay, Here’s the Deal

July 25, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, it’s being reported all over Texas that President Obama is raising more money in Texas than any other candidate.

That’s nice.  One of the customers even suggested that should make Texas Republicans “chew on the rug edges.”

Not really.

The Texas ATM machine is open and apparently functions very well.  I just wish some of that money would come back to Texas.  We are sweltering here under people like Blake Farenthold and Louie Gohmert.  We got ourselves Leo Berman and Debbie Riddle in our State House because all our money goes out of state and we get left high and Republican dry.

“Honey,” Juanita told me this morning, “I am plum winded trying to elect Democrats in Texas.  All our money goes out and none comes back in.  I saw where the Hispanic Institute has a five state strategy – Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada and New Mexico – for Hispanic voter turnout.  Texas is off the list. That’s a-freekin-mazing.  We are going to lose the Valley again.”

The Republicans in Texas aren’t worried about money going to Obama.  In fact, they are giggling about it.  They know something:  if you don’t have a Democratic campaign in the state, Democrats lose from the Congress to the courthouse.

If Barack Obama would pay a 10% dividend back to the Texas Democrats for every dollar he raises here, we might could at least take back the Texas House and elect some Democratic judges.

That’s my hissy fit for today.

I’ll have another one tomorrow.

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