Okay, A Little Stuff.

June 10, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hal over at Half Empty recorded my speech to the convention.  I have no idea how much he’s going to charge me for a copy of it, but I suspect it will have something to do with me coming over to his house and cleaning the tops of his ceiling fans.

My speech to the delegation of SD18, which consists of 21 counties in Texas and is bigger than Delaware, New Hampshire, and some other foreign state combined, was not recorded because we only had 1 minute to speak.  Like the other candidates, I gave the delegates a copy of my qualifications to be national delegate prior to the convention.  That’s why we only got a minute.  Nobody ran against me but they let me give my speech anyway.

They expected comedy.  They did not get it.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am nothing.

I was a teacher of special needs children, so I can speak of the power and magic of education.

I have been married for 42 years so I can speak to President Obama’s commitment to marriage equality.

I am a small business owner so I can speak to the President’s jobs plan.

I held my 25 year old son in my arms as he died of cancer, uninsured.  I can speak to the financial devastation to families even aside from their unimaginable emotional devastation before the Affordable Health Care Act.  It is not Obamacare.  It is Obama Cares.  I can speak.

By choice, I live in the most racially diverse county in this state so I can speak to the Voter’s Rights Act.

I can speak because I have charity and love.  And, like ALL Democrats, that makes me something.

I hear candidates whine and bellyache all the time that they can’t say anything in one minute. That is caca del toro.

Other fun fact:  My own cousin, the executive director of the state Democratic party, had me thrown out of the VIP room.  For the rest of his entire life, Christmas will be hell for him.  Plus, next time I see him, he will need to take on the nickname of “Limpin’ Bill.”

Y’all, I come real close to feeling sorry for David VanOs, who fancies himself the only progressive in Texas.  This convention, he used his wife Rachel to run for State Party chairman so he could get to speak to the convention.

I generally follow the rule of never punching down in politics, but as I’m gonna explain later, this was the most progressive platform and progressive party chair we’ve had in the past three decades and to marginalize the hard work that went into getting that done just because you didn’t do it yourself is … oh dear God, y’all, they came on stage ringing cowbells.  Not in the ironic kind of way, but just to be loud.

Cowbells:  For people who want to be heard but have nothing to say.

I turned to my candidate, who spoke last, and said, “Just in case you were pondering giving me a cowbell, I need to let you know that I don’t do cattle calls.”  Luckily for me, he had brought no bells or whistles – just tough, passionate women to nominate him.

Anybody who was bored at this convention did not attend the right caucuses or the right parties.  We worked hard, we played hard, and the entire state party and State Democratic Executive Committee shifted like a California tectonic plate on helium.

More to come once I get unpacked.

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0 Comments to “Okay, A Little Stuff.”

  1. What a wonderful, yet sad, 1 minute speech! Sad for you and your hubby losing a son … God bless you both for enduring! I truly admire you for all that you said in those quick 60 seconds. Thank you!!

  2. Stephen Weinstein says:

    After reading your presentation I love you even more. I hope that some day I will have the honor of meeting you in person.

  3. Dianne Saichek says:

    You gave new meaning to “elevator speech.” That was a head- and heartful message–and elevating. Short, clear and to the point. Texas is lucky to have you.

  4. Oh THANK YOU Juanita Jean!!!!! THIS. This is what Sweet Baby Jesus means. THIS. Amen.

  5. fenway fran says:

    Awesome speech!
    I’ll be seeing YOU in Charlotte.

  6. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Well said, JJ. Well said.

  7. Well, this means that the next the State Democratic Party calls for money, I’d better get my checkbook. Looks like some new people in Austin. I usually tell them that I support candidates, not that bunch of fossils in Austin. Thanks to all y’all.

  8. What a wonderful heartfelt speech! You are the best! Thanks for all you do.

  9. aggieland liz says:

    Love you so much… SO hope we can make this change complete so that other families won’t have to suffer that same sorrow! My friend and sometime commenter Luis sent me here and it is the best website that ever happened to me! You and Bubba and all these wonderful people who post here are just a whole buncha friends I haven’t met yet!

  10. You do ceiling fans? I’ve got one way up high… But seriously, that was a great one-minute speech.

  11. Those words have much power. Please make a video of yourself speaking them again and post it on YouTube and add your own power to them.

  12. David M. Greer says:

    congratulations. great speech. *almost* a great post. your paragraph directed at both david and rachel van os were uncalled for and, frankly, lacking in class. i really didn’t expect such a cheap shot from someone i admire.

  13. Farhan Shamsi says:

    David Van Os is up to his BS again. He just posted on Facebook’s Texas Democratic Jewish Caucus trying to bring you down. When will he learn that either most people do not support him or his way of going about things.

  14. Juanita Jean says:

    I’m sorry you felt that way, David M. Greer. I guess that having to listen to that arrogant martyrdom for 8 years finally got to me. Like I said, I generally don’t punch down. I don’t apologize and I only speak for myself. Mainly, I never, ever, in any way whatsoever claimed to have any class at all. Zero. None. Nada.

  15. Your speech of only a few words certainly delivered a powerful message. I’m so proud of you!

  16. Elise Von Holten says:

    Okay, my favorite classless person (and I thought the United States was supposed to be classless-my bad, dumb self…all equal)
    I have re-posted to my facebook page, dried my eyes from crying over your loss and the beauty that a few words can bring–
    And all I can say is “thank you” for being willing to share all of yourself.
    It makes me proud to be a Democratic Party supporter–people like you that stand up and tell it like you see it–that’s may not be classy–but honesty often isn’t.
    It has inspired me–and coloring inside the lines rarely does that.
    I’m speaking up more–and it’s all your fault!
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  17. Juanita Jean says:

    Y’all, my husband – yes, my husband! – just got an email from David Van Os and apparently he is pitching one of his self-righteous hissy fits on Facebook, too. The only person he hasn’t complained to? Me.

    Which is kinda odd since what he’s mad about is that I claimed his wife was acting on his behalf. David has merely prove my point that he believes that women can’t stand on their own. That’s why I said what I did.

    The email he sent my husband?


    Your wife’s personal slur against me for standing in support of my wife and against Rachel with the accusation that I got her to run for party chair for my personal benefit is one of the most uncalled for insults I have seen in a long time. Especially an insult to Rachel as a woman. Rachel and I both are very, very pissed off to put it mildly. It wasn’t necessary for Susan to stoop so low and make enemies, but enemies she has made.

    And I wonder, since Susan is apparently part of Judge Hinojosa’s inner team, is this reflective of our new party chair’s attitude toward democracy within the party?

    David Van Os

    Texas Democratic Platform, page one: We believe that people are responsible for their own actions..

    I have made an enemy? Hell, Honey, you gotta take a number and wait in line to be my enemy. What are you gonna do, David? Start a rumor campaign about me on Facebook? Come wizz in my swimming pool? Write on bathroom walls about me? Check out tacky romance novels at the public library under my name? Frankly, do you think I give a big bear’s butt about making enemies? I have no idea who misinformed you that I did but if I were you, I’d be really mad. No, wait, really, really mad.

    So, it’s okay for David to have democracy to speak at the convention but it’s NOT okay for me to write about it?

    See, that’s the whole deal with David. He can dish it out but he can’t take it.

    And I am not in any inner circle and I do not speak for Judge Hinojosa. Ever. Nor do I speak for the Democratic Party. I also do not speak for my husband because he is ignoring David VanOs and allowing me to answer.


  18. Melissa Puntenney says:

    Okay, this is one of the MAIN things that is wrong with the Texas Democratic Party, dare I say the Democratic party in general? Snide remarks spoken in arrogance against one of our own. You may THINK you’re funny and witty, but actually, you’re insulting and all you are accomplishing is to denigrate another fellow Texas Democrat and acting like you have every right to do so.

    You do not. I don’t even know who you are, or even what your REAL name might be Juanita-Jean-Susan, whatever, but you’re a bitch. That much I do know. If you think this helps the party, THINK AGAIN.

  19. Juanita Jean says:

    Melissa Puntenney — Irony: Look it up. At least I know the people I insult.

    Did someone say something about “class?”

  20. Very profound remarks at the convention, Susan.

    Very unfortunate — and uncalled for — remarks about the Van Oses.

    There are plenty of Democrats (like me, but don’t tell Carl Whitmarsh; he thinks I’m a Green) who admire both you and David and Rachel.

    You diminished yourself with this unnecessary ad hominem.

  21. Robin Rather says:

    Dear Juanita,
    I loved most of your post. But I flat out didn’t understand what you wrote about David and his wife. It just seemed snarky and not in the funny way. I want to read more of your posts and learn more about where Texas Democrats are heading at this ridiculously important time – and I want to read it in a way that doesn’t make it seem like personal jabs are going to bring us down before we can even get up on that mountain of kick ass statewide office-holding again.
    I’m not taking sides but do want you to know that if you’re going to take cheap shots at people, at least break it down so that others can understand what you’re saying and why. Thanks for listening and I look forward to reading more of your stuff down the road.
    Not Pollyanna but hoping for some real Texas D unity this year,

  22. Juanita Jean says:

    Okay, I’ll leave him alone. If he promises that we can have one convention where he doesn’t take the stage and bad-mouth the Texas Democratic Party, I will leave him alone.

    David comes to every Texas Democratic Convention and bad-mouths the Texas Democratic Party. But I’m the bad guy for pointing out that he does it badly?

  23. *heavy sigh*

  24. David Plylar says:

    Dear Folks,

    I supported Hinojosa from the get-go for state chair. But I don’t think it is a good idea to trash David VanOs because Rachel decide to run for that position. If Democrats are going to win in November, it won’t be by throwing sour grapes or cowchips at other Dems. I thought the cowbell idea was kind of clever.

  25. Juanita Jean says:

    Okay, okay – I apologize for punching down. End of comments.

  26. David M. Greer says:

    thank you for the apology. whether you choose to embrace the word or not, it shows a great deal of class.

  27. Good Grief! Is it the heat that makes people so sensitive? Bring on the funny, that what you do, JJ, and I appreciate it, because this world needs to chillax and laugh more! 😉

  28. Seems to me everyone got to say EXACTLY what they intended to. I think we have a problem with not knowing the difference between liking and not liking and agreeing or disagreeing and therin lies much of the past problems of the party. Too many folks worried about whether they are liked or not. Obviously Susan is not one of them and since this is her column, she can say and do pretty much what she wants here.. Here’s to a successful Hinojosa term and to Susan (who was elected unanimously) making a difference for Democrats.

  29. Juanita Jean says:

    Okay, it’s over. CEW gets the last comment. Do not even attempt to make any more comments – negative or positive – about this subject. Even if you are on the Friends list, do not comment on this subject. I apologized for punching down.

    You can comment about anything else I said including Limpin’ Bill, who ain’t complaining.

  30. I love your delegate speech.

  31. Mary in San Antonio says:

    Your delegate speech was awesome and even just reading it, you can tell it comes straight from the heart. Thank you for sharing it with those of us unable to attend.

  32. What? You clean the tops of your fan blades?

  33. I, too, held one of my sons as he died.
    It takes a special person to get over that, crawl back into the land of the living and give to others each day.
    Congratulations, Susan.

  34. The only golf instructor I ever had told me “less is more”. Your speech is a superb example.

  35. Susan,
    Proud to see that you not only have plenty of fight left, but made the most of a minute (and every other minute, I might add)! I’m back in Texas FOR GOOD! Glad to know that we still have some Democrats who are ready, willing and able to fight the good fight! Hold your head high and continue to represent me and other Democrats who are appalled that the Democrats in Texas have gone the longest of any state without winning a statewide election! With leaders like you, we again stand a fighting chance! Have fun in Charlotte and give ’em hell!

  36. BarbinDC says:

    Democrats. You hafta to luv ’em. We are not at all like the Republicants. And, I am reminded once again to never, never get in a pissin’ match with JJ.

  37. Gosh durn, I love you, Miss Juanita Jean. I am so sorry for your loss. I admire all that you do – you rock, girlfriend!
