OK Oklahoma

March 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oklahoma has decided that you can only get married if the church approves.

I am not joking.

House Bill 1125, sponsored by Republican State Representative Todd Russ, is a radical measure that would end secular marriage licenses in the state. In addition, the bill would bar all judges and other secular officials from performing marriages in Oklahoma.

It passed the House.

UnknownIf you’re an atheist you have to file an affidavit in the county clerk’s office for a common law marriage.

Get this:  Republican representative Dennis Johnson.

Marriage was not instituted by government. It was instituted by God. There is no reason for Oklahoma or any state to be involved in marriage.

Uh, Dude, how about divorce?  Are we going to be doing divorce court in church now?

Republicans say that the purpose of the bill is to keep “Christian” county clerks from being “forced” to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.  I disagree.  The purpose is to make Oklahoma look stoopid.

Thanks to AlanInAustin and Brian for the heads up.

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