OK, I Give Up

March 30, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Border Catastrophe, Shaming Trumpists, Trump

The Cult of Trump has metastasized into a terminal cancer on our democracy.  The Congress won’t provide proper oversight, the press is running around chasing every little tweet, and Trump spends all of his time either tweeting or watching Fox Noise, and his cabinet of corrupt cronies is busily tearing down every tradition and progressive statute enacted over the last 80 years.

Since the Barr Report exonerated Trump (even though we haven’t seen the Mueller Report) Trump has been spiking the ball and becoming even more emboldened to do something really stupid.  Two possibilities of said stupidity are 1) Reigniting the battle over healthcare; 2) Whipping up the racists over immigration.  Case in point, he’s now threatening to close the southern border next week if Mexico doesn’t stop illegal immigration.  Once again, he is spouting nonsense and demanding the impossible.

I’m weary with the 24/7 train wreck that is the Trump presidency; I have Trump fatigue.   We have to do something different to wake up the Congress and the electorate.  So, I give up.  The Invertebrates in Congress won’t do their goddam jobs to stop this despot, so I say let’s do it.  Let’s close the border.  Shut down all the ports of entry and put the US military along the border.  C’mon shithead, DO IT.  Let’s burn down US-Mexico trade and just see what happens.

Here’s exactly what would happen: In January of 2019, the US imported over $27 BILLION of goods and exported $25 BILLION of goods.  That’s PER MONTH.  The US Trade Representative reports that 1.2 MILLION American jobs exist because of US export to Mexico. However, the Woodrow Wilson center has determined that 4.9 MILLION American jobs would be lost if trade with Mexico was halted.  I’ll say that again – 4.9 MILLION American jobs would be lost if trade with Mexico was halted.  Job losses at that scale would most certainly drive the US economy into another recession costing even more millions in jobs.

SO, I say let’s do it.  Let’s burn down the US and Mexico economies at the same time.  Let’s close the border.  If this is what it takes to wake up the Congress to do something, let’s shut it down, stranding billions of dollars in goods and costing millions of jobs.   I don’t know what else to do to stop this guy.

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