Oh Yes! Because Newt and Mitt and Rick Aren’t Entertainment Enough!

March 21, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Like sweet manna from heaven, it seems that Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin are gonna start trading claws.

Coulter said that might be a weakness in the Republican Party as a whole — that certain individuals become celebrities and are allowed to profit off that status and yet still interfere in GOP politics, which Democrats have been able to avoid.

To be totally honest with you, I could not tell if Coulter was talking about herself or Sarah Palin, but I suspect she was talking about Palin because if Coulter was making a profit, she could buy another dress.

Oh yes, I can play, too.

So Ann has a solution.

Hers would preclude Republican presidential candidates from seeking to “profit off of political stardom.” “I want them to sign a pledge,” said Coulter, “saying, ‘If I lose the nomination I pledge I will not take a gig with Fox News or write a book.'”

Well, Honey, bring me a bowl of milk because I’m gonna say, “How the hell else do Republican women make a living?”

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