Oh Yes, And The Easter Bunny. We Discussed The Easter Bunny.

January 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney met in Utah last week.  Not by accident.  This was an arranged meeting.

Bush was asked about the meeting on a Friday at an event in San Francisco, the Washington Post reported. He said the two potential 2016 contenders, who are expected to vie for many of the same donors and voters if they both decide to run, chatted about the National Football League — but they didn’t really touch on the fact that they could be political opponents soon.

Top Five Things They Did Discuss:

1.  How to make funny limericks with Ted Cruz’s name.

2.  Who gets to kiss Sheldon Adleson’s hiney first.

3.  If deflated balls drummed up such interest in the Superbowl, maybe we should get Marco Rubio to deflate his.

4.  Two Koch Brother – two candidates.  You do the math.

5.  How can we both run for President without using our last names?


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0 Comments to “Oh Yes, And The Easter Bunny. We Discussed The Easter Bunny.”

  1. My guess is that they discussed how best to extract tax advantages from a Presidential campaign.

  2. I hope that Bush carefully checked for a knife in his back after meeting with Romney.

  3. “but they didn’t really touch on the fact that they could be political opponents soon.”

    Mitt & Jeb together, and they didn’t discuss the elephants in the room? Come on.

  4. The underlying feeling and question was, “What the hell am I doing here, how did I get here and how do I get out of this without looking like the Doofus of the Universe?”

  5. RICO investigation?

    Both are “businessmen” see what Adam Smith had to say about businessmen breaking bread.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    I’ll bet Snowgrift Snoozie could use a car elevator to smash cans for recycling. Put one in Lake Loose Seal and then they can use their fishing boat as a submarine just by pushing a button.

  7. It would be great if the Repugs fielded both of these losers for the RINOS, plus Mr. Crackpot Cruz for the baggers and maybe Rand Paul will run as an Independent. Split that vote as many ways as possible so there’s no chance all that money ends up in one pot.

  8. I saw that a bunch of GOP hopefuls who assembled in Iowa were heading to CA afterwards to kiss the Kochs’ butts. I suppose we’ll be hearing after that who the “nominee” will be.
