Oh Yeah, Us Not Liking Racists Is Reverse Racism. I Get It Now. I’m Racist Against Racists. Quick! Somebody Stop me From Chasing My Tail.

October 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Think of all the really confused people and nutty people you’ve seen in your life.  When you get to the absolute  bottom, add this guy.

In New Jersey, a man who displayed a photo of President Obama dressed as a witch doctor is wondering what all the fuss is about. Bill Skuby, a shop owner, says the image just represents his political position…

“It always comes down to the race card,” Skuby, 66, told NJ.com of the backlash he’s received.

The witch doctor picture shows President Obama naked except for a headdress and loincloth, with a bone through his nose.

“If this is racism, then it’s reverse racism,” Skuby told the Asbury Park Press. “I think they’re as racist as they accuse me of being,” he said.

Somebody call in the medical examiner.  This guy’s brain is dead.

The picture?

Nope, that’s not racism.  That’s a political position.

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0 Comments to “Oh Yeah, Us Not Liking Racists Is Reverse Racism. I Get It Now. I’m Racist Against Racists. Quick! Somebody Stop me From Chasing My Tail.”

  1. Well, it goes along with the idea that not letting someone force their religious beliefs upon others is somehow restricting their religious freedom.

  2. This non-Racist said if Romney had the same positions, he would portray him the same way. Guess he needs to do some photoshopping, since Romney took credit for his own Massachusettes program being a model for Obamacare.

    Y’all in NJ keep us posted and send the shot of Romney in Skuby’s window with a bone through his nose, OK?

  3. Put it on a big sandwich board, strap it on, and take a walk thru Harlem a al Bruce Willis one of the Die Hard movies. See if the folks there consider it racism. I dare him.

  4. And don’t forget…those poor “nonracist” born-agains are being persecuted right and left……………..

  5. Aghast Independent says:

    I wonder if this same jerk knows that Romney’s father was born in Mexico. That makes Mitt Romney eligible for Mexican citizenship. Would he display a photo of Romney wearing traditional Mayan headdress, with feathers and loincloth on the front of his store saying “the next Mexican President of the US” while blaring fake Marriarchi music?

    Fair is fair. Anything else is blatant racism.

  6. Sam in Kyle says:

    Reading the Daily News article about the display it’s clear the whole thing was meant as a racist, political statement. Hope those in his area remember his actions after the election.

  7. fenway fran says:

    If I hear one more person tell me both parties are equally bad, I just might….give them the palm, turn and walk away.

  8. And this is why you can’t argue with these people armed with the facts. The only fact they understand is that they are voting for the “white” guy, and it doesn’t really matter what he says or how much he lies, he’s white.

  9. What this guy did, and what many republicans have said/done is a major reason PBO is reluctant to discuss race/racism: If he dares address these issues, he’ll be labeled a racist. When a reporter asked him about Trayvon Martin a few months ago, and he said that if he had a son, he’d probably look like Trayvon, many on the right had a major hissy fit, didn’t allow logic to enter their brains, and accused him of racism and divisiveness. The same thing happened when the president said he thought the Boston Police department made a stupid move when they arrested Dr. Gates. It’s something that we Black Americans have to live with, and we are never allowed to forget that some Americans think we’re not as good as they are. People like Skuby Gingrich, Bachmann, Trump, Sununu, Romney, and the other republicans who play the race card are able to say whatever despicable thing they want to say about not only Black Americans, but LGBTQ Americans, the poor, women, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans, and others, but if someone in one of these groups speaks out against them, they’re the ones who are the racists, the homophobes, the bigots, the immoral individuals, etc. When Limbaugh attacked Sandra Fluke and called her a slut, no one in the GOP blinked an eye. Shameful. I think one of the major reasons they are allowed to get away with these types of things is because our media players are reluctant to call them out and to protect their access to these assholes, they play the false equivalency card, when the reality is that it’s primarily someone on the right who uses the race card on a regular basis. If the guy at Romney’s rally with the shirt that advertised his racism that said, “Return the white to the White House,” had been at an Obama rally wearing a shirt that said, “Keep the white guy out of the White House,” it would have been the major topic of discussion on every Sunday morning news program today.

  10. I respect his 1st amendment rights but dude is a moron, bless his heart.

    I bet he has never even thought about the number of potential customers who wouldn’t set foot in his shop if you paid them to do it. Business and politics do not mix.

    He is whining he hasn’t had a line of credit in 3-1/2 years but he is still in business so why does he need a line of credit?

    In the 90’s we had a saddle shop. When the economy tanked so did we, it took five friggin years to pay off our line of credit. Yes we could have declared bankruptcy and shafted our suppliers but that is not the way I was raised.

    Did I learn anything? Heck yes. Now I OWN my stock. If I can’t pay for it I don’t buy it. No debt = a whole less worry. The funny thing is, if you don’t want credit they trip over themselves trying to give it to you.

  11. majii, good posting. I get sick of false equivalency.

    I’m sure this “non-racist” clown had similar witchdoctor posters of Kerry, Gore, and other Dem candidates. Or maybe Kerry was depicted as a drunken leprechaun (which is another form of ugly and stupid stereotyping).

  12. Another example of a guy who thinks he’s making a comment about the President, when in actuality it ends up saying a lot more about who he is. After seeing that sign, not many people think President Obama is a witch doctor. But a whole lot of them are convinced Bill Skuby is a racist idiot.

  13. It is standard radical-right behavior to try to redefine words in order to “win” arguments. ACA becomes death panels. Fertilized eggs become babies. Obama becomes a Marxist socialist fascist communist gay guy. We get legitimate rape. It’s all about misdirection. The trick is to avoid arguing based on their definitions and instead expose their misuse of words.

  14. he musta’ read Ann Coulter’s latest book (Mugged: Racial Demogogery…) about how there’s no such thing as racism anymore. She called Bill Maher’s audience racist. she’s got balls. maybe that’s why she looks like a man in drag.

  15. This guy is a class A modern day racist. Racism isn’t a card, it is a struggle and for him to do racially offensive things like that and then try to cover up his shit is annoying. I doubt anyone would portray Romney that way. I hope he somehow understands, or becomes a social outcast.
