Oh Yeah, THAT’S How You Get The Women’s Vote

October 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Place:  California Republican Convention

Time: 2000 and damn 13

Item: Swag buttons


Screen Shot 2013-10-08 at 9.35.58 AM

Target:  11 year old boys and the average Republican.

Success Rate:  Missed again, Rence.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Yeah, THAT’S How You Get The Women’s Vote”

  1. Seriously, this is the best they’ve got? What else can anyone expect? Well, when Hil wins they can just eat these for supper!

  2. There’s a long history of election swag being very unfair and biased toward one’s own candidate. The opposition is demonized as much as possible. And the barrels of whiskey supplied throughout American history as the lubricant of voters, well, that’s changed into a shot of adrenaline due to the extremely negative propaganda, isn’t it? Don’t folks you know who get their opinions from Fox News get all huffy, big-eyed, hopping up and down, ready-for-fight-or-flight when they’re told of the latest obsession? That works again for them when they tell someone about it, either in person or forwarding that email. It’s about anger-adrenaline. That’s the whole policy of the party of the uninformed. They don’t want information; they want their shot of adrenaline! It’s addictive!

  3. Better 2 small breasts than a whole party of huge asses.

  4. Trish wins Tuesday’s prize!

  5. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Trish said it all….

  6. Trish nailed it.

  7. Interesting that as the Repubs lose power in California–they are under 30% of registered voters, hold no state offices, and are less than 1/3 of the legislature–they just get meaner and crazier, as if that would fix the problem.

    I think this is a pattern we are going to see nationwide as the radical right loses power. Their resulting panic will make them lose what little sense of proportion they now have. It’s going to get ugly.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Hi,I am Hugh Jass and I’m a teabaglican and we like our wimmen with four legs,four breasts and halter broke.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    LOL @ Trish … that about covers it!!

  10. e platypus onion says:

    All else being equal-take the Liberal woman with brains.

  11. The KFC Republican counterpart would be:

    1 right wing.
    1 asshole.
    Old white meat only.

  12. UmptyDump says:

    It’s Rance … as in rancid …

  13. 1 more reason to despise republicans.

  14. I have my own button machine and I have looked at a number of sites for button art. There were some really nasty anti-President Obama buttons out there during the 2012 election. The conservatives can do some really nasty buttons that lack humor and taste.

  15. I tweeted KFC @kfc to ask if they supported this infringement of their copyrighted trademark. I discovered that they delete Tweets they don’t care to address.

    To me silence implies consent, I would expect a strong “We do not ..” statement, not deleted Tweets. Put your big boy pants on KFC!

    Two ways around this
    1. Tweet twice including #KFC on both, 1 to @kfc other no @ address
    2. email: kfccares@kfc.com

  16. E platypus onion is a genius.

    Am still laughing.


  17. @Bananas – you have a point. Chick-fil-a sent a herd of lawyers up to Vermont to go after the guy who printed “Eat more Kale” tee shirts. Eat more Kale is rather benign compared to what the Republicans put on that button.

  18. I just tweeted this post so my Hillary-lovin’ followers can read it. JJ, you really do need to tweet more so our followers can retweet the links to your posts.

  19. Cindy Hovde says:

    I think the Dunlap Club members and members of the IBW Club are also targets…oh wait…that is all the Republicans.

  20. Elizabeth says:

    Can we mention body parts by their popular or their medical name? Because if so…I’ll wait for permission. It’s a one, two, one, teeny-tiny-shriveled thing.

  21. So liberals are communists. This is the tea bag philosophy in a nutshell. Baggers are nuts and they can all go to he**. It must make them feel so righteous to simply dismiss the majority of American citizens because they don’t agree with the rightwing dogma.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Doogie-give Trish kudos for the inspiration. Couldn’t have done it without her.

  23. To keep with the chicken theme, it must really fry their asses that since the Dems now control all of the CA government, that state is now financially stable and is running surpluses. Since the citizens themselves voted for the tax increases to balance the budget, I don’t think any of the bazillionaires have been thrown into poverty yet.

  24. e platypus onion says:


    This sorta thing has been around awhile,according to Snopes.

  25. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    Chick-fil-a is upset about a guy putting “Eat More Kale” on tee shirts? I’m clearly missing something. I can’t imagine Chick-fil-a having advertising that says “Eat More Kale”.

  26. I hate fascists, even when they call themselves “Christian”.

    Make that: Especially when they call themselves “Christian”.

  27. LynnN @7 — that sounds like the stats for Dems in Texas and we’re not getting meaner. I think Repubs are just mean — no matter how big a proportion they have of the vote.
