Oh Yeah, That’ll Help Things

December 18, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is an email I got from a customer by the name of L. M. —

ted-nugent-with-a-gun-11League City City Council will vote Monday on whether or not to spend some money for fund raising, in order to get (excuse me while I shudder) Ted Nugent to do a concert. The proceeds from the concert will build a house for a veteran. This is from the man who not only dodged the draft, but brags about it — it and the disgusting way he did it. I am so horrified by the whole thing that I don’t know what to do. I sent a message to City Council asking them to vote “no” and I intend to send individual messages to each member. But I am only one, and there needs to be many. Can you get the word out, JJ?

Well, hell yeah.

Okay, the story is true.  Here it is.

First off, you’d think Nugent would do it for free.  I mean, it’s the least he could do.  Willie Nelson, a genuine Texas hero, does benefit concerts all the time.  Ted Nugent sings mostly at gun store openings and Steve Stockman headquarters hot tub parties.

Second off, whoa.  This is a guy who promised to be dead or gone if President Obama was re-elected.  He needs to busy himself with keeping that promise and, frankly, I don’t care which one he picks.

Third off, aren’t these people afraid of cooties?

Here’s the email addresses of city council members.  If you email, be nice and polite.  I’m just going to state that I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that League City would pay taxpayer money to a man who is clearly not a Christian and would threaten the President of the United States.  Is that what you want the children of League City to hear?

Thanks to Leslie for the heads up.

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