Oh Yeah, Piers Morgan. That’s the Problem.

December 31, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s an extremely popular Republican wacko who wants to deport Piers Morgan because he disagrees with him and that, my friends, constitutes sedition.

Morgan represents a foreign threat to American law and liberty because he believes that Americans have too damn many guns.   And, according to Mike Adams of Natural News, Morgan is not covered by the Constitution because he’s not a citizen.

I don’t know if Adams realizes that (1) that’s just goofy, and (2) there’s this magic thing called television that would allow Piers Morgan to broadcast all the way across the big ocean.

“British Citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment,” the petition reads. “We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.”

Of course, the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Barack Obama, happens to agree with the haughty Morgan, so he isn’t likely to order his ever-compliant and equally complicit attorney general, Eric Holder, to investigate the criminal Brit. So we’re not holding our breath.

Worse, Morgan likely knows it. On Christmas Eve the bottom-dwelling CNN host Tweeted this taunt: “Merry Christmas! Even to those who want me deported.”

Do you think I can get Sarah McLachlan deported back to Canada because she makes me cry with that ASPCA commercial she does?

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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