Oh Yeah, One Other Thing

November 08, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I just learned about this.


Both of these candidates were elected last night.

Cricket sign-up starts tomorrow morning!


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0 Comments to “Oh Yeah, One Other Thing”

  1. Cricket sounds like fun! Until the pitchers and catchers report to spring training.

    Sorry I have cold turkey baseball withdrawal…

  2. One mistake that seems to be repeated consistently is the assumption that the voting public is a zero sum game with a steady and repeating voters to be fought over.
    Last night appears to be an example of how the Democratic candinates won on huge turn outs for odd year elections.
    So on the face of it it was by expanding the voting pool by motivating people who hadn’t been regular participants with voting that won the day.
    But immediately this morning general framing of the election and what it says about 2018 is how can the D’s win over R’s voters and building a strategy for this.
    Implicit is to have the d’s desert those new voters who were motivated by hope of change.
    The winning strategy is not to become a corpocrat rethuglican lite but rather to draw a clear line between them and remember to dance with them that brought you. a common courtesy that the d’s often forget when competeing for goldman sachs( and other moneyed interests) filthy lucre.

  3. I love a game ( cricket ) that breaks for lunch and tea. Why not?

  4. The racist ads against were brutal. But given the choice, I’d prefer dim sum and curry to “white food”, whatever that is.

  5. SenyorDave says:

    “White food” is what Trump eats, maybe bologna on white bread with mayonnaise. Or a well done steak with a side of overcooked fries.

  6. With compact florescent and LED lighting available, it’s surprising there are still a few dim bulbs left in Edison, NJ.

  7. Aggieland Liz says:

    SenyorDave, it’s worse! The Moron in Chief takes a beautiful dry aged (and bloody expensive!!) ribeye steak, has it cooked well done (!?!) and served with KETCHUP (!!?!!?!!) aughhh my soul is wailing. Steak abuse. That told me everything I needed to know about him!
    Also I’m pretty sure he’s a Yankee’s fan. Which only confirmed what I already knew-Evil Empire about covers it, Micr!

  8. Hoboken has elected its first Sikh mayor, despite election ratf*cking attempting to make him out to be a terrorist: http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2017/11/bhalla_bests_defusco_to_win_hoboken_mayoral_race.html

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Come to iowa, Micr where there is magic in the moonlight.

    “Ray. People will come, Ray. They’ll come to Iowa for reasons they can’t even fathom. They’ll turn up your driveway not knowing for sure why they’re doing it. They’ll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing for the past. “Of course, we won’t mind if you look around”, you’ll say, “It’s only $20 per person”. They’ll pass over the money without even thinking about it: for it is money they have and peace they lack. And they’ll walk out to the bleachers; sit in shirtsleeves on a perfect afternoon. They’ll find they have reserved seats somewhere along one of the baselines, where they sat when they were children and cheered their heroes. And they’ll watch the game and it’ll be as if they dipped themselves in magic waters. The memories will be so thick they’ll have to brush them away from their faces. People will come Ray. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good and that could be again. Oh…people will come Ray. People will most definitely come.”

    Bring warm clothes and a tent, some camping equipment because the next corn crop won’t be ready until about August.

  10. The most heartening part of last night’s results is the unmistakable repudiation of racist ads. Ed Gillespie in Virginia put on some doozies and refused to take them down when called out on their blatant falsity. Nice to see that these awful ads for the School Board failed, too.

    Gives me hope, ya know?

  11. two crows says:

    From here it looks as if they went a fair way toward making Edison great. Whether this is ‘again’ or for the first time ever, I have no way of knowing — but given what the Republicans seemed to think was necessary to win friends and influence people, I’m guessing this was a first.

    Congrats Edison!

  12. 1toughlady says:

    I love stir-fry and curry, it’s much better than bologna on wonder bread. Glad these two won. Eat it, haters!

  13. neighborm says:

    Perhaps Edison is not great again but it surely must be better for having elected these two citizens to its school board. So blatantly racist. We need to be rid of the Trumpster and his fellow haters.

  14. Edison is the next town over from where I live.

    There’s a reason we call it Edissippi.

  15. This is from a friend:

    A Sikh, an Atheist, and a Trans Woman walk into a bar. Then they all had a drink to celebrate their election victories.

  16. TedinAustin says:

    Micr and e platypus, Texas in 6 weeks or so we start watching the many CWS contenders spread around this small country begin their spring training. It’s gonna be much happier fans in attendance as we share our relief at this joyous election day.
    K, let us hope that this incremental progress continues through 2018 and beyond in constantly pressuring the corprocrats to see the 40year error of their lucre worship, keep reminding that us common voters are the real powerbase.
    My cheeks hurt from such smiling so much!

  17. @EPO

    Field of Dreams is in my top 5 of all time baseball movies. Thanks.

  18. @BarbinDC: An atheist got elected? Where was this? I thought we were lucky to get elected to animal control officer if anybody knew, in most of the country.

  19. I’m gonna make a prediction. In the future, looking back, last night is gonna be a major turning point with respects to repugnantcans openly talking impeachment. It won’t happen immediately. But mark my words. Last night was a huge milestone in the ability of repugnantcans to distance themselves from Donnie Douchebag without losing their own seats.
    Also, EPO: thanks from me as well. I was reading the words you quoted from the movie. But what I heard in my head was James Earl Jones.

  20. Naked racism is just plain naked.

  21. What’s next? The metric system?

    If God wanted us to use the metric system it would have been Jesus and his ten disciples!

  22. Tilphousia says:

    One of the biggest ‘whoopies’ was seeing transgender Danica Roem trounce the biggest homophobe in the Virginia House of Burgesses (ok delegates, I’m old fashioned). She ran in my son’s district where many fundamentalists have been trying to inject their brand of hate and bigotry into everything especially the school board, and House & Senate. Heard ‘the weeping and knashing of teeth’ when the bathroom bill failed. At last count, we picked up 15 seats. 6 to 8 was considered what was possible. Why? Crossover voting. Republicans are fed up with traitor trump. He didn’t mention the election. Just kept blowing his own horn about his electoral college win. No mention of being down three million votes or his pitiful showing at the parade. But a huge caution. LISTEN to the voters! Over and over Dems have forgotten that. Virginians rejected lying and hate and bigotry. The voters were called, doors knocked upon and it worked! In one district 32,000 doors were knocked and voters talked to. The winner, a dem, won by 68 votes. Apathy is overcome one voter at a time.

  23. Tilphousia says:

    One of the biggest ‘whoopies’ was seeing transgender Danica Roem trounce the biggest homophobe in the Virginia House of Burgesses (ok delegates, I’m old fashioned). She ran in my son’s district where many fundamentalists have been trying to inject their brand of hate and bigotry into everything especially the school board, and House & Senate. Heard ‘the weeping and knashing of teeth’ when the bathroom bill failed. At last count, we picked up 15 seats. 6 to 8 was considered what was possible. Why? Crossover voting. Republicans are fed up with traitor trump. He didn’t mention the election. Just kept blowing his own horn about his electoral college win. No mention of being down three million votes or his pitiful showing at the parade. But a huge caution. LISTEN to the voters! Over and over Dems have forgotten that. Virginians rejected lying and hate and bigotry. The voters were called, doors knocked upon and it worked! In one district 32,000 doors were knocked and voters talked to. The winner, a dem, won by 68 votes. Apathy is overcome one voter at a time.

  24. The post-election wizards have figured out the percentages in the votes in different areas of Virginia. In most cases Northam got more votes in those areas than his Democratic predecessors. Heartening? Delightful? All yes! It also means there is a crossover aspect! For real! And I think that is what makes the R’s shudder the hardest!

  25. I love the outcome, but we have to realize this is the start only if we don’t get complacent.

    Lay on!

  26. As for elections elsewhere – coming soon in December,the vote on Roy Moore and Doug Jones. Heard on the car radio this lunchtime that Moore has now been publicly accused of sexual advances not just on grown women but underage females! Please keep all ears out for this. Have a feeling that this news will be pulled from the airwaves in Bama and maybe some other states as well.

  27. We need to copy their get-out-the-vote efforts all over the country.

  28. Linda Phipps says:

    Tilphousia: I watched CNN all day on the 8th, and somehow the most disgusting epic temper tantrum from the Trump people aired intended to raise the hackles of any of his faithful and motivate them to wreak more electoral damage … I saw it twice and then no more. Either they blew their budget or someone with a brain pulled this filth.
