Oh Yeah, Like It Needed Help

November 30, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There are few things in life more pleasing to my ear than hearing Mitch McConnell whine.

mitchmcconnellSenate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) accused the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF), the outside group aiming to unseat McConnell and a number of other incumbent Republicans, of giving “conservatism a bad name.”

Now here’s apolitical party anxious to privatize steal Grandma and Grandpa’s Security Security check, take food out of the mouths of hungry children, threaten young men and women with deportation, completely do away with the separation of church and state, arm everybody in America with war weapons, fill private jails with non violent criminals, take away women’s rights, and kick puppies but it’s not a problem for Mitch McConnell until they come after him.

Hell, Mitch, they had to come after you.  You are the last person in American they haven’t come after.  It’s your turn, dude.

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