Oh Y’all, Your Weekend Reading Just Arrived
I cannot tell you how excited I get when I hear that Rand Paul may run for President.
Some who hates me put my email address on the mailing of the American Conservative Pac. So, today I got this amazing email: What Is Barrack Obama Hiding?
Now, let me stop right about here and tell you that one of the first signs of mental illness is when people use random underlining, all caps, and BOLD in their writing. Whoever wrote this email is about 3 badges short of a Boy Scout.
American Conservative PAC shares a PO Box with these guys – The Conservative Patriot.
And probably a few more places I just didn’t find.
I went to the FEC and best I can figure, these guys simply raise money to raise more money.
Now, crazy talk about Rand Paul doesn’t even wiggle my britches anymore. But, Honey, when you add Steve Stockman and some big bold letters and I get pretty darned excited.
Yeah, that’s been the problem. Nobody has started a petition to demand impeachment yet. Why didn’t we think of that?
Sometimes these folks are real entertaining. And at least they are taking the money of fools who now can’t give it to something that really might make our lives worse.