Oh Y’all, You Just Gotta Look

May 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The twenty worst cases of Obama Derangement Syndrome.



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0 Comments to “Oh Y’all, You Just Gotta Look”

  1. Yes! Those are the same types of comments and decorations I remember seeing on trucks driving around Marxist countries under Stalin, Mao, Kim Il-sung…

    Well, the trucks were older, and in most cases the people had to write it on the back of their shirts because they couldn’t afford a truck, but other than that, exactly like a Marxist country.

  2. Zyxomma says:

    Well, I didn’t exactly enjoy it, but I took the trip. Glad it was so easy to land back in the WMDBS, and at my laptop.

  3. Am I blind or is the vehicle traveling without a license plate? No doubt it will be stopped by someone the driver will call a marxist fascist liberal and end up in jail. Now if that stunt was pulled in a number of other places on this planet, the driver would be a red smear on the pavement.

  4. shortpeople says:

    I notice the sovereign citizen, state’s rights supporter doesn’t think he needs a license plate.

  5. SomedayGirl says:

    Ugh, the TX one is also sporting a sticker from my kid’s college…at least all the words were spelled correctly.

  6. SomedayGirl says:

    maggie and shortpeople, often the license plates get blacked out before posting online to protect the willfully stoopit.

  7. Maybe this guy in Kentucky drives a truck like that, except he can’t afford to on his disability payments and $105 in food stamps. He lives in the poorest county in America, and he and his neighbors blame Obama:

    “The Republicans, they are the ones that know… raised up like we have, you know. Know what it’s like, what we need, what shouldn’t been taken away,” Miller added.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief.

  9. The Marxist Muslim thing always cracks me up. Are they saying that he’s an atheist Muslim?

  10. W. C. Peterson says:

    They were almost all prick-up trucks. And not working prick-up trucks, either. I wonder how many complete sets of teeth the 20 drivers had amongst them?

  11. lazrgrl says:

    Merl, my favorite insult is liberal fascist. I wasn’t the best of history students but I’m pretty sure there’s an oxymoron in there some place.

  12. Nothing says ‘stupid’ quite like a truck loaded with the bumper stickers to prove it.

  13. The moment a black Democrat became President, these rightwing racist idiots lost what little rationality they had to begin with.

  14. Larry McLaughlin says:

    I was behind a similar one at the gas station this morning. The female driver couldn’t figure out how to get the pump to work.
    Really bright people have lots of signs.

  15. Steve Lassiter says:

    Where are the truck nutz?
    ( behind the wheel, silly )

  16. It must have just killed these jackwagons when Obama was re-elected. Heh heh heh.

    I’d be worried if I saw any of them on the road near me. I don’t think they’re in control of anything, including their vehicles.

  17. maryelle says:

    Note the trailer hitch so them good ole boys can pick and move their home sweet home.
    No wonder they vote against their own self-interest. Too dumb to know what that is.

  18. Oaky, I have more bumper stickers on my car than most people– Obama, “Friends don’t let friends vote Republican” (that one needs replacing because the ink on the last word is fading, and “Friends don’t let friends vote” is not the message I wish to convey), “The last time we mixed politics and religion, people got burned at the stake,” There is no Planet B” (photo of Earth) and “The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded upon the Christian religion– John Adams.” I’ve seen some other good ones I could plaster on, but after a while you start looking a bit loopy, you know…?

    For info on that Adams quote, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Tripoli
    That treaty was read aloud in the Senate and unanimously passed.

  19. Rhea, I commute between Road Rage, CA and Bundy Craze, NV. In either location, bumper stickers could be fatal.

    Also, our Poo-lice are armed and dangerous, so Jane and I are particularly careful not to have our vehicles call attention to our political sway.

    What to do about the Bundy Bunch? Trigger happy RWNJs aiming assault weapons on federal agents, makes me think the Feds were smart for a change. Let the RWNJs and the Poo-Lice sort it out. Trigger meet trigger.

  20. OldMayfly says:

    Recently we had a visitor in our liberal neighborhood. He/She had 3 bumper stickers, from right to left:

    “Who is John Galt?” “Jesus is coming” “Succeed”

    We all felt sorry for our neighbor who was hosting that person.

  21. I’m making a road trip from Alaska through Canada to Michigan for a high school reunion this summer. My bumper sticker should be safe there. However, when I return, it’s Michigan to Washington, and I may have to remove it to keep my car (or me) from getting shot up. Fortunately, I have a spare to use when the trip is over.

    “Rill ‘merica” has lost it’s mind.

  22. OldMayfly says:

    Also, what Maggie said. I remember in the ’90s the Posse Comitatius (probably misspelled) sometimes drove around without license tags because they didn’t recognize “the government” or at least the Dept of Motor Vehicles. Sometimes cops who stopped them were shot. (Not for any rational reason, but just because the local traffic cops were part of the tyranny of government, you know.)

  23. OldMayfly, Dubya flew all spelling nuances out the window as did Jim Rhodes of Kent State infamy and Janet Reno of Waco stupid. As with the Bundy situation, when local authorities are slow to react, the federals would be well advised to wait out and starve out the fools. It’s not ‘cruel and inhumane’, as they could have chosen to stay home and work to support their families.

    But nothing mucked up the waters as bad as Dubya commandeering National Guard troops for his two undeclared, off budget stupid wars.

    Abide by the US Constitution, and the US military has a chance to abide by their USMJ (Unified Code of Military Justice.) Last I knew, it was beyond illegal to draw weapons on our citizens.

    OldMayfly, as an officer and a gentleman, I promise you, I’d spend time in the brig, before I’d fire on a citizen.

  24. charles phillips says:

    Begging for a rock through that window, ain’t he?

  25. Old Fart says:

    Obama: The popular choice

    Obama: He doesn’t need *your* guns; he has an Army

    Obama: Dammit, solve Bush’s problems faster!

  26. No one who does this to a car is entitled to complain about anyone else having a mental disorder.

  27. Elizabeth says:

    So glad I didn’t see that in person when I happened to have a big roll of red duct tape. There’d have been a diagonal universel-symbol for “NO” all acrost that back window.

  28. Rubymay says:

    Ditto LynnN. Pathetic, just pathetic. Ever wonder what their houses look like?

  29. I offered the Teabaggists a freebie slogan the other day:

    ” ‘SlaveRy’ has 6ix letur’s, ‘SorOs ‘haS xi6 leddars; CoinSadeNse>? I do’nt thinkso!”

  30. Do notice he is going to turn left.

  31. This is the headline in my local paper this morning:


    One of our Texas GOP candidates for Lite Guv. has admitted to spending some time in a psychiatric hospital. (Course the “admission” came after a leak to the press.)

    I fail to understand that this is a big deal. This is Texas.

    Texas Republicans vote for the mentally challenged …… all the time. It’s almost like a requirement to hold elective office here. Seeking some kind of treatment, is the usually the exception to the rule. To make it into a bumper sticker you would just have to go with:

    Vote for __________he/she is a GOP nut.

    I think that would work for most Texas Republicans. No problem.

  32. e platypus onion says:

    Ben Gazara,Ben Gazara,Ben Gazara,Ben Gazara when does it end?

  33. OldMayfly says:

    I went on the Google to look up that MOAAN AABE and found tee shirts for sale with that motto and the graphic of a big old hand-gun. Apparently MOAAN AABE means “Come and take it” or “Come and take them” in Latin.

    But I’m going to check that with a Latin scholar, because the RWNJs are not known for scholarship.

  34. OldMayfly: Google Translate does not recognize MOAAN AABE as Latin. Though it may be something in Esperanto. Still doesn’t make any sense, though.

    “Come and take it” in Latin is “Veni et cape eam”. Google Translate is fun to play with.

  35. OldMayfly: I just took another look at that sign, it’s in Greek. Let’s see if I can get Google Translate to turn it from Greek into English.

    Well, it was fun to try. But no translation came up. If you know someone who speaks Greek, ask them if they can translate for you.

  36. donquijoterocket says:

    I believe the MOAAN AABE is the usual winger misunderstanding of the classic Greek MOLAN LABE which they usually accompany with a sillouhette of an AR-15 and translate it as come and take it. Long-time friend of mine former marine Vietnam combat vet reads it as MORON LABE

  37. Moaan Aabe is a cousin 42 times removed of Kemo Sabe. Now does it make sense?

  38. “Obama: Dammit, solve Bush’s problems faster!”

    Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner, thank you Old Fart.

    Every clown of the criminal Bush2 administration seems to be out yapping, except the shrub. He’s still finger painting, just as he did, when his handlers were out destroying the world. Maybe we can’t hang a moron, but we sure as heck need to hang his criminal staff.

    Tired of Karl Rove? Introduce legislation in your state to try him as both a war criminal and an enemy of the state. International travel is already impossible for the Bush2 war criminals. Let’s up the ante and make stepping outside their houses an opportunity to arrest them.

  39. Aggieland liz says:

    Molon labe, Greek, attributed to Leonaidas I (there’s a nice statue) when sent terms of surrender at Thermopylae. “Come and take” could probably now be “bring it on”! I don’t know why I didn’t clue in to the gladiator’s helm; stupid today!

  40. I’m just aching for a roll of white tape and a Sharpie, so I can tape over the bottom line “Liberalism is” and write “I have.”

  41. OldMayfly says:

    Thanks all, for info on Molon labe. I thought that one of the letters on the back on that car looked like the Greek omega symbol. When I visited that “buy some big ol’ guns here” site the (now I know) Greek motto was described as Latin. I guess they figure, Greek-Latin–what’s the difference?

    Thanks, especially Aggieland liz.
